Larimer County Sheriff’s Office patrol deputy Basil Marciniak recently initiated an effort to establish a law enforcement memorial license plate in Colorado. After the death of Weld County Deputy Sherriff Sam Brownlee, Deputy Marciniak was inspired to do something to honor law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. He then contacted Colorado Concerns of Police Survivors, an organization dedicated to assisting families of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, with an idea to create the specialty plate. In conjunction with Colorado C.O.P.S. and Deputy Marciniak, a license plate was designed and donated by Luke Burton with Huston Graphics and Printing of Windsor. The process has commenced to obtain the required 3,000 signatures. Citizens interested in supporting this effort may sign a petition at the front desk of the LCSO Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or at other participating law enforcement agencies statewide. For more information, visit the Colorado C.O.P.S. website at Once the process is completed and the specialty plate is approved by the state, interested purchasers will be able to obtain a certificate to purchase the plates after making a one-time $50 donation to Colorado C.O.P.S. to support its programs. Kelly Young, President of Colorado C.O.P.S. may be contacted (303)887-9661.
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