July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Stu Boyd: Heart and Soul

Berthoud Recorder’s Volunteer of the Month
By Laurie Hindman
Berthoud Recorder

Mayor Tom Patterson described him as, “the man who works diligently behind the scenes to make things happen and then fades away without waiting for a word of thanks.” Stu Boyd laughs at the description, but admits that while he is willing to commit his heart and soul to causes he believes in, he prefers to stay out of the limelight. Those who know Boyd speak of his intelligence, compassion and commitment. Those who don’t know him can find his “fingerprints” all over Town — on the library, Habitat for Humanity homes, non-profits, church missions, and most of all, our schools.

Boyd was an essential member of the committee to fund the library district in 2007, working with others on the ultimately successful campaign to convince voters of the critical need for library funding. “Stu worked tirelessly, like I think he does on any project in town,” commented Sara Wright, Director of the Berthoud Community Library District. “It was an issue that was not clear cut. People in town had to vote yes to save the library, but needed to understand that it was not a tax increase. Stu and the committee put an amazing amount of work into the campaign.”

He is also a member of the Berthoud Bequest, a branch of
the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado, a group of philanthropy minded individuals that pool funds each year to support non-profit causes in the community; the Bequest has given over $10,000 since it’s inception in 2004.
Perhaps one of the most unusual things he does is sell used cars for Berthoud’s Habitat for Humanity. “I hate to admit it, but I really like selling cars,” grins Boyd. “I know almost nothing about cars, but I am pretty good at selling them.” Most recently he sold two donated trucks in twenty minutes, to one buyer, raising twelve thousand dollars for Habitat for Humanity.

Boyd’s fingerprints are also all over Berthoud schools. He was one of the key campaign members in the successful campaign to pass the Thompson School district’s 2006 mill levy override, an issue critical for Berthoud school funding. He is the President of the Thompson Education Foundation, a group dedicated to providing educational opportunities for kids through creativity grants.

“My passion is things related to education,” said Boyd. “I have spent my adult life committed to it.”

This is no exaggeration. Boyd is one of the few people who can claim to have worked in the Thompson School District longer than recently retired BHS principal Len Sherman. Boyd taught English at Berthoud High School for 33 years and was assistant principal for three. Although he retired from BHS in 2005, he continues to substitute teach and mentor new teachers in all subject areas for Berthoud High School and Turner Middle School. “I love sharing my years of experience with people just starting out and helping walk them through different issues and challenges. It is very gratifying.”

Patterson, who also taught at BHS for several years, describes Boyd as a “master teacher.” “He has a phenomenal mind and unbelievable memory,” said Patterson. “He can remember every student, their family and the year they graduated. He also can restore order to an unruly classroom faster than anyone I know without ever raising his voice.”

The dedicated volunteer said he is amazed at how many former students remember him. “Sometimes they stop by the house — people I haven’t seen in 10, 20 years,” remarked Boyd. “What is really wild is when I substitute and have the kids of former students. Recently I subbed at Turner Middle School and I had a student come up and tell me, ‘you taught my grandfather.’ Then you know you have been around awhile!”

Boyd has also been very active in the Methodist church, “pretty much since I was six years old.” He is currently the Lay Leader and serves on several church committees. In addition, he is the chairman of the Krieger-Peterson Grant committee, a sizeable bequest fund that supports kids in youth ministries. This year the committee has donated $8,000 to the youth of Methodist Church who are going on a humanitarian mission to the Honduras. Pastor Stephanie Munoz said she is very appreciative of the support Boyd gives to her and the church. “Stu is an example of a person who is living out his faith. It is easy to say one believes, but it is much more difficult to put that faith in action.”

And the list goes on. Boyd was the co-chair of the marketing committee for the incredibly successful Berthoud Bash, the April fundraiser that raised over $56,000 to bring badly needed technology to Berthoud schools. For the last ten years he has been on the executive board for the Colorado Language Arts Society and is also a volunteer for Meals on Wheels.

Boyd has resided in Berthoud on and off, but “mostly on”, since he was six. He received his Bachelor’s of Arts from the University of Northern Colorado and shortly after graduation, began teaching at Berthoud High School. He and his wife Barbara, who is also extremely active in the community, live in old town and have two grown daughters, Anne and Jill Boyd.

What motivates Boyd to donate countless, often thankless, hours over the entire course of his adult life? “The payback for me is that I see people lives being improved or positive changes in their lives in some way, from the work we do,” said Boyd. “If I don’t see it initially I believe it’s going to happen.”

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<p><span style=”font-size: small;”><span style=”font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”>Berthoud Recorder Volunteer of the Month Stu Boyd outside his Sixth Street home. Boyd is described by Mayor Patterson as a person who works tirelessly behind the scenes to better the Berthoud community.</span></span></p>

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Learn about the Berthoud Recorder’s Volunteer of the Month, Stu Boyd. Click here.
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