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To the editor:


The purpose of this letter is two-fold — to clear up some misconceptions about funding for the proposed charter school and to urge your support of the school district’s request for a mill levy override.

I spoke with Steve Towne, the school district’s director of business services, and discovered that even if the charter school is ultimately approved, (1) no additional revenue generated by the override is earmarked for the charter school and (2) no district money will be used to build the new school.

Where the conversation with Mr. Towne led me is to realizing that my vote on the mill levy override measure shouldn’t be influenced by the charter school debate: The fate of the charter school won’t be decided until weeks, maybe months, after the November 1 election.

Moving past the charter school issue which has our little town so fired-up right now (I look forward to seeing many of you at the meeting at BHS on October 13!), let me share with you why I believe we need to vote yes on 3A, the mill levy override measure.

1. The State of Colorado has cut funding to the Thompson School District by $18.5 million over the last three years.

2. All of the additional revenue generated by the mill levy override stays in the district; none goes to the state.

3. With the additional revenue, class sizes will not continue to increase but will be maintained at current levels; this is especially important at the elementary level where class sizes have increased over the last three years.

4. Teaching and classroom support positions will be restored.

5. Rigorous academic programs will be restored.

6. Schools will be able to purchase much-needed 21st century technology.

7. Strong local schools are critical to a strong local economy.

I urge you to join me in voting yes on 3A and for our local children when your receive your mail-in ballot in the next few days. Don’t allow your vote to be influenced by the charter school debate: Override monies are not part of that issue.

Stu Boyd

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