It was great to see Carl Bruning and his wonderful supporters at the many events around Larimer County in recent weeks. They were handing out stickers to children and interacting with the public in a positive way that we all can appreciate. It will be good to have Carl Bruning leading the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office in a positive way in the years ahead. It will be good to have a sheriff bringing a breath of fresh air to the department with a renewed focus on serving “we the people” and saving aggressive law enforcement for hardened criminals. We need a sheriff who can provide better options for Larimer County than just building and filling more jail space. It will be great to have a sheriff with strong business management experience and fresh ideas for dealing with the financial issues ahead. I just can’t wait until we elect Carl Bruning for Larimer County Sheriff.
Thank you,
Dan Cochran
Windsor, Colorado
Thank you for the positive write up on Carl .. he is a close friend of mine, and just a regular guy who has served his country and sincerely wants to continue to serve his country in any way possible. He has began this campaign for the sheriff of Larimer County with the clear focus of defending our liberties from enemies foreign and domestic. We need such clear focus in leadership in this desperate hour in our great nation's history.
Carl is the only candidate with the clear focus to lift up that banner of liberty and lead with strength,
Sincere liberty loving citizen,