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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Aldebaran’

EarthSky Tonight—Nov 26, Can you see the different

EarthSky Tonight—Nov 26, Can you see the different colors of the stars?

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science Visit EarthSky at www.EarthSky.org The stars are like wildflowers, in that each star radiates with a different color of the rainbow. Have you ever noticed star colors? Let’s explore some of the stars that you will see in the meadow of night tonight. In the northeastern sky at evening shines a bright star called Capella, the Little She Goat, in the constellation Auriga. Like brighter Sirius, which does not rise until several hours later in the ... Full Story

EarthSky Tonight—Nov 4, Modest meteor shower

EarthSky Tonight—Nov 4, Modest meteor shower tonight. Moon and Venus before dawn tomorrow.

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org The radiant points for two November meteor showers – the South Taurids and North Taurids – both reside in front of the constellation Taurus the Bull. If you trace the paths of shower meteors backward, each shower appears to radiate from a certain point in the starry sky. As can be expected, the radiant point for the South Taurids is found in southern Taurus, while that of the North Taurids is found in northern Taurus. The ... Full Story

EarthSky Tonight—October 25, Moon between Pleiades

EarthSky Tonight—October 25, Moon between Pleiades and star Aldebaran

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Our sky chart shows the eastern sky for around mid-evening at mid-northern latitudes in North America, with the bright waning gibbous moon shining between the Pleaides star cluster and the star Aldebaran, the constellation Taurus’ brightest. Mid-northern latitudes elsewhere around the world will see the Pleiades and Aldebaran in the same place in the sky at the same hour of the night – yet the moon will be positioned somewhat ... Full Story

EarthSky Tonight—October 24, Moon can guide you to

EarthSky Tonight—October 24, Moon can guide you to Pleiades star cluster

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Our sky chart shows the waning gibbous moon and the Pleiades star cluster for around mid-evening at North American mid-northern latitudes. However, no matter where you live worldwide, tonight’s moon will shine near the Pleiades cluster, so let the moon guide your eye to this cluster of stars tonight. At mid-northern latitudes in Europe or Asia, the gap between the moon and Pleaides will be greater than in North America, and the ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight—May 24: Bright star near moon is

Earthsky Tonight—May 24: Bright star near moon is Spica

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org The waxing gibbous moon glides past the star Spica in the constellation Virgo this evening. It passes relatively close to Spica for a day or two each month that Spica is visible in our night sky. It does the same with other bright stars such as Regulus in the constellation Leo, Antares in the constellation Scorpius and Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus. Have you ever heard of the moon near Polaris the North Star? If someone ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight —May 3, Can you see Aldebaran near

Earthsky Tonight —May 3, Can you see Aldebaran near Venus?

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org You should have no trouble spotting Venus after sunset, even though this dazzling world appears quite low in the west at dusk and early evening. Don't tarry when looking for Venus, for this blazing beauty follows the sun beneath the horizon roughly two hours after sunset. Venus and Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation Taurus, are in conjunction today. Generally, two heavenly bodies do not appear in the same exact ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight — April 16, Moon between Venus and

Earthsky Tonight — April 16,  Moon between Venus and Pleiades

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Our sky chart shows the western sky for early evening. The slender waxing crescent moon sits between the blazing planet Venus and the Pleiades star cluster. To the moon’s upper left shines the ruddy star Aldebaran, the brightest in the constellation Taurus the Bull. You should have little trouble spotting Venus, the third brightest celestial object to light up the heavens, after the sun and the moon. However, you might need ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight — March, 26, 2010: Moon swings

Earthsky Tonight — March, 26, 2010: Moon swings close to Regulus

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Can you find the star that is shining close to the big and bright waxing gibbous moon tonight? That is Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion. Regulus is the only first-magnitude star to sit almost exactly on the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the Earth’s orbital plane projected outward onto the sphere of stars. The ecliptic is often shown on sky charts, because the moon and planets are always found on or ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight — On eve of equinox, moon between

Earthsky Tonight — On eve of equinox, moon between Pleiades and Ram’s Head

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Just after sunset tonight you will spot the crescent moon above the western horizon. The moon floats between the faint head stars of the constellation Aries and the mythic sisters in the constellation Taurus, known as the Pleiades. The waxing crescent moon is only four days past new so it still appears to us as a rather thin crescent. This is a great time to tour the moon with your binoculars or telescopes. The craters and the ... Full Story

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