July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘American Forum’

Investing in Progress

Investing in Progress

              By Josh Knauer As a software entrepreneur, I find it ironic to see people going online to rail against taxes and government spending. The Internet grew from government research financed by earlier generations of taxpayers. So did computers, GPS technology and many other technologies we take for granted today. The Global Positioning System (GPS) we access from our phones, computers and cars was developed and is still operated by the Department of ... Full Story

A New START for Women Around the World

A New START for Women Around the World

By Linda Tarr-Whelan The so-called New START, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia, is poised for an historic ratification vote in the Senate this year. Three more major international treaties are also lined up on President Obama’s ratification to-do list: the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. CEDAW is a landmark international ... Full Story

Seeking One Principled Person from Each Side of the

By Kathleen Rogers and Antonio Gonzalez On September 17, 1787, a group of visionaries and leaders signed our Constitution. They were intent on creating a functioning government based on universal truths and extraordinary principles in an environment complicated by disparate regional economies and wildly divergent parochial interests. Back then, differing proposals for the shape of our government divided our country into two camps, but the necessity to address the need for a common defense and ... Full Story

New Pioneers

New Pioneers

By Sarah van Gelder For the American Forum Americans are facing a troubling reality. The economic recovery they were promised has not materialized. There’s growing talk about a “new normal”—a new way of life to take us through a long period of failed recoveries. There are, indeed, good reasons to believe we won’t go back to the old ways. But this new normal doesn’t have to be a time of chaos and decline. Instead, many Americans are building stronger families and communities, ... Full Story