July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘American Petroleum Institute’

Big Oil attacking the Anti-Fracking movement

Big Oil attacking the Anti-Fracking movement

  By Gary Wamsley   I received a large green card in the mail yesterday. It proclaimed that “Local Control of Energy is Bad for Colorado.” The card was paid for by Energy Citizens. This card immediately raised several red flags for me. First, the large size of the card means that it costs considerably more to mail than a standard postcard. That means that whoever Energy Citizens is, it is well financed, unlike most actual citizen groups I have been associated with. Second, the ... Full Story

ALEC and the United States of Oligarchy

ALEC and the United States of Oligarchy

          Today, ALEC Brings Lawmakers And Big Oil Together To Undermine Clean Energy By Rebecca Leber on May 11, 2012 Today, behind closed doors in Charlotte, North Carolina, legislators from 15 states will meet with the oil and gas industry to discuss so-called “model legislation” as part of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The result could be laws that handicap renewable energy targets — while creating loopholes for fossil fuels, written ... Full Story

Outside Front Groups Spend Over $300,000 In Colorado

Outside Front Groups Spend Over $300,000 In Colorado

  Outside Front Groups Spend Over $300,000 In Colorado On Anti-Energy Reform Television Ads WASHINGTON, D.C.—Special interest front groups have spent over $300,000 in Colorado on misleading and fictitious television ads aimed to advance their anti-clean energy agenda and shape the midterm elections, according to a new analysis from the Center for American Progress Action Fund. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has received funding from multinational oil corporations and foreign oil ... Full Story