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Posts Tagged ‘April 12’

Berthoud Soccer scores victory in final seconds

Berthoud Soccer scores victory in final seconds

Spartans Top Cornerstone Christian 2-1 By Dan Karpiel Sports Writer In 80 minutes of soccer on Tuesday evening the Lady Spartans held the lead for only 6:03. Yet those six minutes, most especially the final 36 seconds, proved decisive for Berthoud as they topped the Cornerstone Christian Bulldogs 2-1 at Max Marr Field. The match progressed for more than 60 minutes in a scoreless tie as the Spartans and Bulldogs battled back and forth. Each team got some good looks and took a handful of shots ... Full Story

Crystal Fire: April 12 afternoon update

Greetings folks. Not a great deal to relate but some things of interest. First of all, people near the fire may continue to see smoke for sometime as the mop up process continues. That may be especially true today since we may undertake a burn out operation to secure some parts of the fire line - that is, taking away burnable fuel in a controlled manner which might otherwise might give us a problem. Given the condition of the fire and the progress made, that is very unlikely but we need to get ... Full Story

Lundberg Legislative Report, 4/12/11

April 12, 2011 Topics: 1. My SIP Bill 2. Third Annual Loveland Tax Day Tea Party 3. Long Bill Debate and Vote   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. On Friday I introduced SB-237, concerning the SIP (State Implementation Plan) for controlling haze. This bill modifies the SIP submitted by the Public Utilities Commission in January. The bill also calls for a clear and transparent examination of what the SIP will cost and what ... Full Story

Sky Tonight—April 13, Moon close to Regulus – a

Sky Tonight—April 13, Moon close to Regulus – a Royal Star

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science Visit EarthSky at www.EarthSky.org Tonight, the waxing gibbous moon shines close to Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion. Regulus is considered to be the Heart of the Lion in Leo. Regulus is also one of the four “Royal Stars” of ancient Persia. These Royal Stars mark the four quadrants of the heavens. They are Regulus, Antares, Fomalhaut, and Aldebaran. Regulus: Heart of the Lion Four to five thousand years ago, the ... Full Story