Sky Tonight—April 23, Two stars lead to constellation Hercules
The stars Arcturus and Vega can help you identify Hercules,
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The stars Arcturus and Vega can help you identify Hercules,
Tonight, let the Big Dipper introduce you to another bright star.
Arcturus is one of the easiest stars to find, using the Big Dipper as a guide.
ind two Hunting Dogs seen by the ancient stargazers to be nipping at the Bear’s heels.
Arcturus’ appearance in the evening sky is a welcome sign in our northern climes, because it heralds the coming of the spring equinox,
every year at this time, we get questions about three different stars that are flashing different colors.
pica and Arcturus descend westward throughout the evening hours. Spica sets beneath the west-southwest horizon by mid to late evening. Arcturus sets beneath the west-northwest horizon after midnight.
The meaning of the Latin star name Gemma should be obvious. This star is the gem of the Northern Crown.
Hercules above the star Vega. Today’s closer view can help you identify the most famous deep-sky object within this constellation. It is a globular star cluster known as M13.
Hercules the Hero is not the easiest constellation to identify. You will need a dark sky to see this mighty star figure.