Sky Tonight—March 9, Moon between Pleiades and Ram’s Head
The little star that you might spot near the moon is 41 Arietis, also known in Hindu astrology as Bharani
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The little star that you might spot near the moon is 41 Arietis, also known in Hindu astrology as Bharani
However, Castor and Pollux are considerably brighter than the two brightest stars in Aries.
The moon will turn full on November 21. This will be the third of four full moons to fall in between the September equinox and the December solstice.
Just after sunset tonight you will spot the crescent moon above the western horizon. The moon floats between the faint head stars of the constellation Aries and the mythic sisters…
Tonight, as soon as it gets dark, the waxing crescent moon can help you locate the small constellation Aries the Ram. Look to the west, just above the place where…