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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Austerity’

How To Destroy An Entire Country

How To Destroy An Entire Country

By Alan Grayson From a recent 188-page report by the World Health Organization come these ghastly and appalling factoids: Suicide rates rose 40% in the first six months of 2011 alone. Murder has doubled. 9,100 doctors in Greece, roughly one out of every seven, have been laid off. Joining those doctors in joblessness are 27.6% of the entire Greek labor force. By comparison, in the depths of the Great Depression, unemployment in the United States peaked at a lower percentage than that. Among ... Full Story

Republicans are the Big Government Party

Republicans are the Big Government Party

    Unemployment Rate Would be 7.1 Percent Without Government Cuts March 11th, 2013 By Jason Sattler One of the biggest Republican myths of the last four years is that the government has been exploding in size. The truth is that federal, state and local governments have cut more than 750,000 jobs since June of 2009. If those jobs hadn’t been lost, the unemployment rate would now be 7.1 percent, according to the Labor Department. The total number of people employed by the government ... Full Story

Jobs needed

Jobs needed

  To the Editor World War II ended abruptly on August 15, 1945. Across America whistles blew, horns tooted, and people poured into the streets to celebrate the end of our four-year nightmare. What a wonderfully joyous relief! It also was the end of millions of stateside jobs, just when we had eleven million returning troops who would need jobs, and our national debt equaled 156% of GNP (vs 99% today). (Editors note: A balanced budget amendment would have meant we could not have ... Full Story