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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Bain Capital’

Romney failed at being Governor

Romney failed at being Governor

In Alternet Democracy Danger Signs: Mitt Romney's 800+ Vetoes as Mass. Governor By Joshua Holland Romney's blocks were overridden over 95% of the time. November 3, 2012  | Mitt Romney's “closing argument” redefines chutzpah. “You know that if the President is re-elected, he will still be unable to work with the people in Congress,” Romney said on Friday. He warned of a government shut-down, or another debt-ceiling crisis – two examples of Congressional Republicans ... Full Story

The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney

The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney

          Government documents prove the candidate's mythology is just that By Tim Dickinson August 29, 2012 7:00 AM ET Mitt Romney likes to say he won't "apologize" for his success in business. But what he never says is "thank you" – to the American people – for the federal bailout of Bain & Company that made so much of his outsize wealth possible. According to the candidate's mythology, Romney took leave of his duties at the private equity firm Bain Capital ... Full Story

Mendacious Mitt

Mendacious Mitt

    Why Does Mitt Romney Like Firing People? Because He Made $20,000 On Every Laid-Off Worker  By Axel Tonconogy Mitt Romney would prefer for you to recall just one number regarding his record at Bain Capital. That would be 100,000 — the number of jobs that the Republican candidate  claims he created during 15 years at the private equity firm. But now there is a more interesting, plausible and relevant number: $20,000. That’s how much money Romney is estimated to have made ... Full Story