July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Betsy Markey’

Outside Front Groups Spend Over $300,000 In Colorado

Outside Front Groups Spend Over $300,000 In Colorado

  Outside Front Groups Spend Over $300,000 In Colorado On Anti-Energy Reform Television Ads WASHINGTON, D.C.—Special interest front groups have spent over $300,000 in Colorado on misleading and fictitious television ads aimed to advance their anti-clean energy agenda and shape the midterm elections, according to a new analysis from the Center for American Progress Action Fund. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has received funding from multinational oil corporations and foreign oil ... Full Story

Markey earns A+ rating from Pinon Canyon Expansion

Markey earns A+ rating from Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition

LAMAR—Betsy Markey has earned a perfect score from the Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition for her efforts to stop the expansion of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site in Southeast Colorado. The Coalition wrote, PCEOC has given Betsy Markey an A+ rating for her efforts to stop the Pinon Canyon expansion. She is a candidate that has put her congressional votes and legislative efforts where her mouth is to keep Pinon Canyon from expanding. Betsy Markey co-sponsored and pushed for ... Full Story

Two Talented Candidates

Two Talented Candidates

To the Editor, Senator Michael Bennet and Congresswoman Betsy Markey are two of the brightest, most dedicated, most thoughtful, and hardest working legislators in Congress today. Both of them are extremely well-qualified, and both have an amazing grasp of the details and implications of the bills they vote on. Bennet and Markey have been in Congress only a short time, but already are known and respected by their colleagues on both sides of the aisle. They are leaders, rather than followers, ... Full Story

Markey To Host Tele-town Hall To Discuss Health Care

On Tuesday, Congresswoman Betsy Markey will host a Telephone Town Hall meeting for residents of the 4th congressional district. The Telephone Town Hall will allow people an opportunity to share their thoughts and questions regarding the recently passed Health Care Reform bill. Dr. Mark Laitos of the Colorado Medical Society will be joining the Congresswoman on the call. WHAT: Rep. Markey, Colorado doctor to hold Telephone Town Hall to discuss the Health Care Reform bill WHEN: Tuesday, April ... Full Story