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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Book review’

“Beyond the Good-Girl Jail, When You Dare to Live

“Beyond the Good-Girl Jail, When You Dare to Live from Your True Self”

            Published by Health Communications, Inc. Review by Claudia Young “Beyond the Good-Girl Jail” by Sandra Felt, LCSW, first caught my eye because it is written by a Colorado author and has a catchy title that seemed to offer some self help with perhaps a bit of light heartedness. This is refreshingly not a “burn-your-bra” women’s lib kind of book. However, when pressed, I can’t quite pin down the genre that ... Full Story

New pictorial histories of Loveland and Mead

New pictorial histories of Loveland and Mead

    Images of America series hits the bull’s-eye By Claudia Young Arcadia Publishing bills the books in this series as “pictorial history” but that doesn’t begin to describe the very real historical service they provide to the communities that find themselves to be the fortunate subjects of this series. Two books published by Arcadia in the “Images of America” series recently came to our attention: “Loveland” and “Highlandlake and Mead.” What began as a light ... Full Story

“Reflection on the River” Marks Big Thompson Flood

“Reflection on the River” Marks Big Thompson Flood Anniversary

  By Claudia Todd-Young Many people of a certain age ask each other where they were when they learned of President Kennedy’s assassination. In northern Colorado, an often more frequently asked question is “Where were you when the Big Thompson flooded?” Though 35 years have passed since the July 1976 flood, both the beautiful Colorado landscape and the hearts of those most closely affected are still scarred. “Reflection on the River,” compiled by Sharlynn Wamsley, is as remarkable ... Full Story

Photo Detective Unearths Photos of Revolutionary War

Photo Detective Unearths Photos of Revolutionary War Participants

By Claudia Todd-Young Maureen Taylor describes herself as a photo detective. Those of us who have read her book, “The Last Muster,” think of her as a modern-day dream weaver. In “The Last Muster,” Taylor has accomplished something that most of us hadn’t thought possible — a record of photographs and personal accounts of those who actually participated in the Revolutionary War. Readers may be forgiven for being somewhat skeptical upon first hearing of a collection of Revolutionary ... Full Story