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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Cain’

The state of Cain in the modern world

The state of Cain in the modern world

    21 February 2012 Dear Editor: It is not just wishful thinking that states can live without the death penalty. Generally, states that do not have capital punishment have lower homicide rates than states that have capital punishment. People of New Testament times need to consider what Jesus did when asked about the legality of divorce. Jesus was aware of His present time and of what the law stated, but He referenced a time before the law was ever given to reveal what God's ... Full Story

Biggest political lies of 2011

Biggest political lies of 2011

The Whoppers of 2011 The year's worst political deceptions, from both sides. Summary  Despite what you may have heard in 2011: The new health care law won’t cost many jobs (and they’ll be poorly paying jobs at that). Republicans aren’t proposing to “end” Medicare (and Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden has signed onto a modified version of the GOP plan). Most of the “millionaires” who would pay higher tax rates under a Democratic proposal aren’t job-creating small-business ... Full Story

When Did the GOP Lose Touch With Reality?

When Did the GOP Lose Touch With Reality?

          When Did the GOP Lose Touch With Reality? Some of my Republican friends ask if I’ve gone crazy. I say: Look in the mirror. By David Frum Published Nov 20, 2011 It’s a very strange experience to have your friends think you’ve gone crazy. Some will tell you so. Others will indulgently humor you. Still others will avoid you. More than a few will demand that the authorities do something to get you off the streets. During one unpleasant moment after I was ... Full Story