July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘campaign’

Romney praises socialists

Romney praises socialists

    Question Time: What Did Mitt Romney Learn During His Travels Abroad? By Joe Conason in the National Memo Now that Mitt Romney has returned home from his entertaining sojourn overseas, perhaps someone will ask him a few pertinent (and impertinent) questions about the countries he visited. While visiting England, Israel, and Poland, the Republican candidate delivered remarks on their economic and health systems that could – if subjected to factual analysis – serve to educate ... Full Story

Abe Lincoln; flip/flop president

Abe Lincoln; flip/flop president

The Eau Clair Leader-Telegram Attacking Honest Abe (with videos) By Tom Giffey latest Off Beat column, which will appear in Sunday’s edition, is about a hilarious (yet educational and insightful) series of fake political ads on the website FlackCheck.org (a spin-off of FactCheck.org, which fact-checks real-life political ads and claims). The Flip-Flop President Instead of tackling a contemporary politico, the ads target our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. Imagine, if you will, that ... Full Story

Perry’s Dubious Tax Promise

Perry’s Dubious Tax Promise

          Perry’s Dubious Tax Promise   In his speech unveiling his proposed “flat tax” overhaul of the tax system, Rick Perry promised that “taxes will be cut across all income groups in America.” But a newly released analysis of his plan by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center concluded that many lower-income persons and families would see their taxes go up. In his Oct. 25 “Cut, Balance, Grow” speech, Perry said a beefed up standard deduction assured ... Full Story

Media choice: Economics or Bachmann’s outfit?

Media choice: Economics or Bachmann’s outfit?

  The election game is back as the media turns away from political economics and towards the banality of politicians.   "]And so it came to pass, as predicted, projected, and warned about, that the economy is about to tank again. No less an authority than Nouriel Roubini, once dismissed as "Dr Doom" for his predictions - entirely accurate - of the 2008 financial crisis, is shaking his head and pointing his finger again. In intellectual circles, there is more and more talk about the ... Full Story