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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘caucus’

Larimer County Democrats Caucus Sites

Larimer County Democrats Caucus Sites

The Larimer County Democrats have announced their 2012 Precinct Caucus sites. Democratic Caucuses will be held on March 6, 2012. Registration will begin at 6:30 pm; Caucus meetings will begin promptly at 7:00 pm. All Democrats are encouraged to participate in their precinct caucus. “Caucus is a great way to meet your neighbors and your local Democratic candidates,” said William Russell, Larimer County Democrats Chairman. “Caucus is the kickoff to the election season. We expect a great ... Full Story

OpEdNews: December 12, 2011

    OpEdNews   Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be To view the web version please click here  December is, for non-profits, the most important month. Can you help Opednews.com to get off to a good start next year with a generous donation? They depend upon your support. If you wish to donate to their cause, click here. The Recorder has made a donation because we believe it is important to preserve the voice of a free press not beholden to corporate ... Full Story

After Signaling Support, John Boehner Calls Tax Break

After Signaling Support, John Boehner Calls Tax Break For Middle Class ‘Chicken-Shit’

  After Signaling Support, John Boehner Calls Tax Break For Middle Class ‘Chicken-Shit’ Alex Seitz-Wald on Dec 2, 2011 at 4:10 pm Despite their stated opposition to tax increases, Republican lawmakers have been largely cool or even hostile to a proposed extension of the temporary payroll tax cut, pushed by President Obama and Democrats. Finally, this week, Republicans seemed to relent as GOP congressional leaders publicly urged their caucuses to vote for an extension of the plan. ... Full Story