July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Christian’

Republicans: “the poor should die”

Republicans: “the poor should die”

For Republicans, a Homeless 11-Year-Old Black Girl Named Dasani is a "Useless Eater" That Should Die By chaunceydevegaFollow Al Sharpton did some great work on Monday's PoliticsNation where he further exposed the politics of cruelty that have possessed the Republican Party. Republicans want to cut food stamps, believe that kicking people off of unemployment insurance who cannot find a job in an economy where there are 3 people for every available position, and that a particularly evil and ... Full Story

Losing my religion for equality

Losing my religion for equality

              Jimmy Carter   Women and girls have been discriminated against for too long in a twisted interpretation of the word of God.   I HAVE been a practicing Christian all my life and a deacon and Bible teacher for many years. My faith is a source of strength and comfort to me, as religious beliefs are to hundreds of millions of people around the world. So my decision to sever my ties with the Southern Baptist Convention, after six decades, ... Full Story

GOP plays the Christianity card

GOP plays the Christianity card

                    The Myth of the Christian Right By Mary Shaw (about the author)   GOP politicians and their followers love to play the Christianity card. They wave their bibles and wag their fingers at anyone whose behavior doesn't pass their sanctimonious moral judgment. They call themselves Christians, but in Catholic school I was taught that Christians adore and follow Jesus Christ. These holier-than-thou Republicans don't reflect ... Full Story

Who Would Jesus Vote For?

Who Would Jesus Vote For?

      Should Christians Ask: Who Would Jesus Vote For? By Doug Bandow Evangelical churches long have been called the Republican Party at prayer. The observation might be close to true in Iowa. And that should make American Christians nervous about their future in politics. The relationship of religion and politics has been fraught with controversy since America's founding. In Europe a brutal mixture of church and state harmed both institutions: faith was perverted by power, ... Full Story