July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘christians’

GOP plays the Christianity card

GOP plays the Christianity card

                    The Myth of the Christian Right By Mary Shaw (about the author)   GOP politicians and their followers love to play the Christianity card. They wave their bibles and wag their fingers at anyone whose behavior doesn't pass their sanctimonious moral judgment. They call themselves Christians, but in Catholic school I was taught that Christians adore and follow Jesus Christ. These holier-than-thou Republicans don't reflect ... Full Story

Would you vote for a radical Jew

Would you vote for a radical Jew

He hung around with lepers, hookers and crooks. He was totally anti-death penalty; anti-public prayer; never once spoke about anti-gay or abortion.

Goldwater and the party

Goldwater and the party

Oath of Office?

Oath of Office?

Rick Perry, God and Me: When I Got the Call

Political satire by Katha Pollitt,  Trying to find humor in politics     Rick Perry, God and Me: When I Got the Call By Katha Pollitt God called me a couple of months ago and told me to run for president. It was late at night, and he had this weird voice. It sounded like he’d been drinking, so I hung up on him He called me back a few nights later. He explained that he’d been experimenting with a new voice—instead of deep and gravelly, nudgy and insinuating, like Jon Lovitz. ... Full Story

Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell

  By Dr. Gary Scott Smith Heaven and hell are in the news and on Americans’ minds a lot lately. “Heaven Is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back” is currently number one on The New York Times Best Seller List for nonfiction. It details a four-year-old’s near-death experience as told to his pastor father. “The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven: A Remarkable Account of Miracles, Angels, and Life beyond This World” describes the similar ... Full Story