July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘compassion’

Courage To Stand Up To Friends

Courage To Stand Up To Friends

  by Daris Howard When I stood up to my friends, defending a new girl at my school, the janitor, Mr. Bandon, saw the whole thing. He told me that it can take more courage to stand up to friends than to enemies. That was when he showed me a picture in his office of men from his World War II battalion, and shared the story of Private Johnson, the man he said he admired most. Their battalion had fought across Europe, incurring heavy losses in the Battle Of The Bulge. As the Germans ran out ... Full Story

Teach me

Teach me

      These images from Go Left, a progressive Facebook site. To seem more of what is there, click either image.

Conservatism and Obama is no Socialist

Conservatism and Obama is no Socialist

  Conservatives weren't always pro-capitalist by Ted Frier One tradition that's been almost entirely forgotten now that Republicans have remade themselves into the wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall Street and other corporate interests is that older species of conservatism which was always hostile to capitalism because it celebrated greed and destroyed the stability of the community. It is impossible to overstate how much of their own legacy and how many of their own scruples modern ... Full Story