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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘conjunction’

Sky Tonight—March 16, Smallest and largest planets

Sky Tonight—March 16, Smallest and largest planets in conjunction

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science Visit EarthSky at www.EarthSky.org The planets Mercury and Jupiter meet up for a conjunction today. Conjunction means that these two worlds stand north and south of one another in right ascension. (Right ascension on the sky’s dome is the equivalent of longitude here on Earth.) Mercury swings north of Jupiter at 17 hours Universal Time (12:00 noon Central Daylight Time) on March 16. In the Americas, this conjunction takes place during the ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight—June 6: Mars and Regulus in

Earthsky Tonight—June 6: Mars and Regulus in conjunction

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org The planet Mars and the star Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo, highlight their conjunction this evening. Two heavenly bodies are said to be in conjunction whenever they stand north and south of one another. Tonight, Mars and Regulus shine about a pinky-width apart. By all means, look at the evening couple through binoculars or low power on a telescope. The contrast of color makes their partner’s coloration ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight — April 23, Waxing gibbous moon

Earthsky Tonight — April 23, Waxing gibbous moon near Regulus

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Tonight, the waxing gibbous moon shines fairly close to the silvery-blue star Regulus in the constellation Leo. To the east of the moon shines the golden planet Saturn. If you cannot distinguish color with the unaided eye, try binoculars. By tomorrow night, a somewhat fuller waxing gibbous moon will have moved away from Regulus and closer to Saturn. Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion, and it represents ... Full Story