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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘constitutional rights’

USA, Land of the Free? Not any more

USA, Land of the Free? Not any more

  Looking at the Patriot Act and the NDAA We, that is We The People, of the United States have lost many of our freedoms and much of our civil liberties in the 20 years since I retired from the military. The attacks of 9/11, which Ron Paul so aptly points out were retaliation for some of our interventionist policies in the latter half of the 20th Century. While changing the way the United States does business would probably solve the terrorist problem, the government has instead used the ... Full Story

Bill of Rights Day: Are Our Freedoms in Jeopardy?

Bill of Rights Day: Are Our Freedoms in Jeopardy?

  “Those responsible for the demise of the Bill of Rights are none other than the schools, the courts, the politicians, and ‘we the people,’” stated Whitehead. “Unless we act now to secure our constitutional rights, America will continue down the path toward tyranny.” The passage of the Patriot Act in 2001 ushered in an era in American history in which basic rights that guided political leaders since the founding of the nation have become second place to concerns over ... Full Story

Fulfilling Orwell’s Prophecy

Fulfilling Orwell’s Prophecy

  Fulfilling Orwell's Prophecy: 15 Futuristic Films You Should See             By John W. Whitehead July 18, 2011             "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever."—George Orwell It has been over 60 years since George Orwell published his novel1984. Described as political satire, it is, in reality, a political prophecy—one that is being fulfilled in our own ... Full Story