July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘corporations’

The “Makers” are really the

The “Makers” are really the “Takers”

    16 Giant Corporations That Have Basically Stopped Paying Taxes -- While Also Cutting Jobs! It's a golden age for corporate profits. So why don't our biggest corporations pay more taxes?   By Paul Bucheit The brackets are set for the big dance — the dance around tax responsibility. Most of the teams are in the bottom bracket. In this league, the lowest score wins. Outside the stadium our nation's kids and seniors and low-income mothers may be dealing with  ... Full Story

‘Citizens United’ Backlash’

‘Citizens United’ Backlash’

    Montana Supreme Court Upholds State's Corporate Campaign Spending Ban By Mike Sacks WASHINGTON -- The Montana Supreme Court has put itself on a collision course with the U.S. Supreme Court by upholding a century-old state law that bans corporate spending in state and local political campaigns. The law, which was passed by Montana voters in 1912 to combat Gilded Age corporate control over much of Montana's government, states that a "corporation may not make ... an expenditure ... Full Story

OpEdNews Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News

OpEdNews  Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be

  Todays collection of articles in the OpEd News point at a difficult year ahead. Not the least of our problems is ten months of political campaigning. Keep looking here to see a candid look at the warts and all of the political newsmakers. It appears that war with Iran is inevitable no matter who is in the White House, though Rick Santorium says he will bomb them. Haven’t any of these politicians noticed how poorly we have done in Iraq and Afghanistan? The seem to still think we can ... Full Story

Is the US becoming a Nazi state

Is the US becoming a Nazi state

                      Are the Nazi-linked Backgrounds of Some of America's Biggest Corporations a Clue to the Direction We Are Headed?  By Richard Clark (about the author) Did IBM knowingly assist the Nazis in rounding up the Jews and are big American corporations now helping our government prepare for the next roundup of scapegoats, trouble makers, and dissidents?Why are war profiteers who play both sides of the fence not prosecuted as ... Full Story