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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Corvus’

Earthsky Tonight—June 19 Waxing moon between

Earthsky Tonight—June 19   Waxing moon between Saturn and Spica

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Tonight the moon is in a waxing gibbous phase, meaning it appears more than half lighted but less than full. Tonight, the moon is to the west of the bright star Spica and to the east of the planet Saturn. Yesterday evening, the moon was closer to Saturn. Tomorrow evening, the moon will be closer to Spica. Spica is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo the Maiden. We have also indicated the whereabouts of the ... Full Story

Earthsky Tonight — March 2, 2010: Moon still near

Earthsky Tonight — March 2, 2010: Moon still near Saturn, closer to Spica on March 2

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Last night, the moon was close to the planet Saturn on the sky’s dome. Tonight, the moon will pair up with Spica, the constellation Virgo’s brightest star. Our chart shows the eastern sky for fairly late tonight, around 10:00 p.m. That is when the waning gibbous moon and the star Spica will be low in the sky, below the planet Saturn. The moon and Spica will travel westward across the sky throughout the night. They’ll be at ... Full Story