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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘death’

A personal tragedy in the Thompson Canyon

A personal tragedy in the Thompson Canyon

This is a face book post by Scott Moen. His parents attempted to help Patty Goodwine in Cedar Cove and nearly lost their lives in the process. This was posted Sunday, Sept 15 Moen Carpet Cleaning and Upholstery Hello. My name is Scott Moen and I am writing with news about the woman that is presumed dead in the Big Thompson Canyon Cedar Cove area. My mother and step father were with her when the river destroyed her house. My mother was swept down the river with the debris from the residence and ... Full Story

Responsible Gun Owner of the Day

Responsible Gun Owner of the Day

  Toddler Shoots Self, Gun Owner Immediately Arrested by Kristina Chew Toddlers and guns: you’ve very likely already read one too many reports about a small child finding a gun and killing someone or even her or himself. There have been way, way too many such stories lately, each one more a glaring reminder about the United State’s failed efforts to reform gun control laws.On Sunday, 3-year-old Damon C. Holbrook found a .40-caliber handgun loaded with 15 rounds in an ... Full Story

US Killing Children around the world

U.S. Has Nothing to Say About 10-Year-Old Killed in Drone Strike By Cora Currier Officials refused to comment on a June 9 drone strike in Yemen that allegedly killed a 10-year-old boy. On June 9, a U.S. drone fired on a vehicle in a remote province of Yemen and killed several militants,  according to media reports. It soon emerged that  among those who died was a boy – 10-year-old Abdulaziz, whose elder brother, Saleh Hassan Huraydan, was believed to be the target of the strike. A ... Full Story

Pet euthanasia

Pet euthanasia

  Humane euthanasia – facing a difficult decision By Laura Higgins, DVM Emergency Veterinarian Brady Smith, a previously healthy 12 year-old Golden Retriever, woke his owners at 2:00 am, obviously distressed. Brady had collapsed, and the Smiths now found themselves rushing to the veterinary emergency room where he was diagnosed with internal bleeding likely due to cancer. There were procedures the medical team could do in order to stabilize Brady, and potentially even offer him many ... Full Story

Officer involved shooting in Larimer County

Officer involved shooting in Larimer County

Larimer County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) personnel responded to the area of Cherokee Park Road and Cherokee Trail Road, a rural area northwest of Fort Collins near Red Feather Lakes, earlier today on the report of a neighbor dispute. At approximately 5:49 p.m. this afternoon LCSO Dispatch was notified of an officer involved shooting.  One male was reported dead at the scene.  How the man died is being investigated.  The deputy was not injured. Larimer County Sheriff’s Office crime scene ... Full Story

Thousands of gun deaths since Newtown

Thousands of gun deaths since Newtown

    One Nation Under The Gun: Thousands Of Gun Deaths Since Newtown By Jason Cherkis On the morning of his murder, Feb. 11, Devin Aryal, 9, dressed to the ticking of his race car clock. His collection of stuffed animals, won from those arcade claw games, stared back at him from their perch on his top bunk. Devin felt he had outgrown the cutesy animal prints that had adorned the walls of his Oakdale, Minn., bedroom. He was in fourth grade now, after all. Without telling anyone, he had ... Full Story

Study Finds Stricter Gun Laws Mean Fewer Fatalities

Study Finds Stricter Gun Laws Mean Fewer Fatalities

  By Allison Brito A study released last week by JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association): Internal Medicine shows a direct correlation between gun laws and gun-related fatalities. While the study is mainly based on the number of gun laws, not the type (it doesn’t, for example, specify which particular laws are the most effective), it confirms that generally speaking, stricter gun laws result in fewer deaths. The report, entitled “Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related ... Full Story

Bush’s Great Foreign Policy Disaster

Bush’s Great Foreign Policy Disaster

The Worst Mistake in U.S. History  America Will Never Recover from Bush's Great Foreign Policy Disaster By Peter Van Buren in Tom's Dispatch Ten years ago, George Bush made a decision that this country will regret for a very long time. Iraq: Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com March 7, 2013  | I was there. And “there” was nowhere. And nowhere was the place to be if you wanted to see the signs of end times for the American Empire up close. It was the place to be if you wanted to see ... Full Story

Can We Have Sane Gun Control?

Can We Have Sane Gun Control?

Yes, We Can Have Sane Gun Control Without Trampling Gun Owners' Rights   The NRA is a problem for sane gun enthusiasts. By Joshua Holland, AtlerNet, December 14, 2012  | Editor's note: a version of this piece originally ran after the Minnesota Sikh Temple shootings in August. The United States is not the only country to experience the horrors of mass shootings. We are, however, the only society in which a serious discussion of tighter gun controls doesn't follow incidents like the ... Full Story

Will the real NRA please stand up

Will the real NRA please stand up

  The Suprising Unknown History of the NRA For most of its history, the NRA supported gun control laws and did not see government as the enemy. By Steven Rosenfeld January 13, 2013  | For nearly a century after, its founding in 1871, the National Rifle Association was among America’s foremost pro-gun control organizations. It was not until 1977 when the NRA that Americans know today emerged, after libertarians who equated owning a gun with the epitome of freedom and fomented ... Full Story

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