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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Defense Authorization Bill’

RIP: Fourth Amendment

  The Defense Authorization Bill amendment allowing for indefinite detention of American citizens is described by  William Fisher in Law Professors Outraged by Senate Vote on Indefinite Detention  as “Ambiguous but alarming new wording, which is tucked into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and  is reminiscent of the “extraordinary measures” introduced by the Nazis after they took power in 1933." This is certainly no laughing matter, but satirist Jon Stewart brings ... Full Story

Obama should veto Defense Authorization Bill

Obama should veto Defense Authorization Bill

  The Defense Authorization Bill before congress has provisions that remove long standing constitutional protections for Americans and is another assault on our individual rights. These violations are being championed by those whose mantra has been "going back to the constitution." The speak one thing and do the opposite. This is a very dangerous precedent. The bill also includes an amendment that would authorizeHere the use of torture. Torture is against international law and this would ... Full Story

War looms, torture and more

War looms, torture and more

Congress promoting un-American ideals By Gary Wamsley Senate Republicans are using the Defense Authorization Bill to advance some very un-American ideals. These amendments should have you worried. In the first is an amendment that would authorize the military to operate on American soil and detain American citizens. It has long been on of the cornerstones of our democracy that the military is only to defend the country from outside sources. Under the guise of “counter-terrorism” the ... Full Story