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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘democrats’

Colorado Caucuses Are Not to be Missed

Colorado Caucuses Are Not to be Missed

If you have never participated in a caucus, now is the time to start. The League of Women Voters of Larimer County offers this overview of the caucus process: Caucuses are local, public meetings for voters at assigned precinct locations. They are true nitty, gritty, grassroots politics where neighbors come together to begin the election season selecting precinct committee persons and electing gubernatorial candidate delegates to the county assembly.  At the county assembly, ... Full Story

Politics and National Policy

Politics and National Policy

Deficit Reduction Declines as Policy Priority Just Half of Democrats Rate Deficit as ‘Top Priority  For the first time since Barack Obama took office in 2009, deficit reduction has slipped as a policy priority among the public. Overall, 63% say reducing the budget deficit should be a top priority for Congress and the president this year, down from 72% a year ago. Most of the decline has come among Democrats: Only about half of Democrats – 49% – view deficit reduction as a top priority, ... Full Story

Thousands of gun deaths since Newtown

Thousands of gun deaths since Newtown

    One Nation Under The Gun: Thousands Of Gun Deaths Since Newtown By Jason Cherkis On the morning of his murder, Feb. 11, Devin Aryal, 9, dressed to the ticking of his race car clock. His collection of stuffed animals, won from those arcade claw games, stared back at him from their perch on his top bunk. Devin felt he had outgrown the cutesy animal prints that had adorned the walls of his Oakdale, Minn., bedroom. He was in fourth grade now, after all. Without telling anyone, he had ... Full Story

Will Republicans steal the election?

  There is genuine concern that the republicans will try to steal the coming election. There is plenty of evidence that they have the mindset to do so. In addition the wholesale lies by the Republicans and their SuperPacs, (go to Politifact.com to see) there are many avenues available that may be effective. Certainly the efforts at voter suppression in the guise of fighting a non-existent voter fraud is one example. However, it turns out that the Republican’s worry about election fraud ... Full Story

Harry Truman says,

Harry Truman says,

  See, it wasn’t just Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection that matter. It was his life too! The life he lived is a huge part of the deal, and he asked us to do a few things if you look at his words. Not only is what Jesus said the Word of God, but what Jesus DID is also the Word of God. Looking at the life of Jesus we see that Jesus made room for those cut off from the rest of society. Jesus put a name and a face on all who had been forgotten or pushed aside, even the dead. Jesus ... Full Story

Billionaires against health care

Billionaires against health care

        Koch-backed group launches $9 million ad campaign against health law By Elise Viebeck A conservative advocacy group closely aligned with the Tea Party announced a $9 million swing-state push against President Obama and the healthcare law. The announcement by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), which is largely funded by the conservative Koch brothers, comes one day after the Supreme Court ruled to uphold the vast majority of the law in a major coup for Obama. "While ... Full Story

Blunt amendment killed

          Birth control exemption bill, the ‘Blunt amendment,’ killed in Senate By N.C. Aizenman By a largely party-line vote, the Senate on Thursday blocked a move to exempt virtually any employer with moral objections from the Obama administration’s controversial birth control health coverage rule. The measure, an amendment proposed by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) to a highway funding bill, was tabled—and therefore effectively killed—by a vote of 51 to ... Full Story

DCCC, Gardner protects big oil

DCCC, Gardner protects big oil

Representative Gardner Rewarded for Protecting Big Oil Profits While Ending Medicare Press Release As gas prices are on the rise nationwide, it’s Representative Cory Gardner (CO-04) and his Grand Oil Party (GOP) who have made protecting profits for Big Oil a top priority while voting to end the Medicare guarantee for seniors. Sure enough, Gardner has raked in $264,024 in campaign contributions from those Big Oil and gas interests he is protecting. Thanks to Gardner’s reliable ... Full Story

Larimer County Democrats Caucus Sites

Larimer County Democrats Caucus Sites

The Larimer County Democrats have announced their 2012 Precinct Caucus sites. Democratic Caucuses will be held on March 6, 2012. Registration will begin at 6:30 pm; Caucus meetings will begin promptly at 7:00 pm. All Democrats are encouraged to participate in their precinct caucus. “Caucus is a great way to meet your neighbors and your local Democratic candidates,” said William Russell, Larimer County Democrats Chairman. “Caucus is the kickoff to the election season. We expect a great ... Full Story

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