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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘discrimination’

Gardner: More Republican lies

Gardner: More Republican lies

In a press release to the editor (following) Cory Gardner uses an old technique to twist the truth, nay, even lie. He introduces as truth something which is not true or is only his opinion. Introducing such a statement is called using a “strawman.” After making the statement, in this case that the Obama administration discriminates against oil and gas, he then uses the statement to attack the administration. This seems to be a tactic of the current crop of Republicans. Since they do not ... Full Story

Hispanic and women farmers, USDA discrimination

Claims Filing Period for Hispanic and Women Farmers and Ranchers Who Claim Past Discrimination at USDA to Open on September 24, 2012 Those Eligible Must File Claims No Later Than March 25, 2013 Espanol   WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2012- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that Hispanic and women farmers and ranchers who allege discrimination by the USDA in past decades can file claims between September 24, 2012 and March 25, 2013. "Hispanic and women farmers who ... Full Story

Right Wing trolls bash pizza parlor

Right Wing trolls bash pizza parlor

    Right Wing Trolls Trash A Small Business — For Welcoming Obama September 11th, 2012 10:40 pm Henry Decker Scott Van Duzer, the Florida restauranteur who lifted President Obama off the ground in a bear hug when Obama visited his pizzeria on Sunday, thought that he was just creating a lighthearted photo-op. Unfortunately, Van Duzer underestimated how rabidly the right-wing fringe hates the president. Republicans have organized a boycott of Big Apple Pizza because Van Duzer had ... Full Story

Walker repeals equal pay for Wisconsin women

  Wisconsin Equal Pay Law Repealed Because “Money Is More Important For Men” by Robin Marty April 7, As Jessica Pieklo reported yesterday, the Governor of Wisconsin, with little notice or discuss, repealed the state’s Equal Pay law.  For Scott Walker, it was no doubt the most logical step in his ongoing war on women and the working class, as the Equal Pay Law protected not just women but any protected class. But for the Republican who was most enthusiastic about rescinding the law, ... Full Story

Colorado AFL-CIO Report

Colorado AFL-CIO Report

Working Families Mid-Session Report         Mike Cerbo Executive Director Colorado AFL-CIO       Midway through 120 days of the 2012 legislative session of the Colorado General Assembly the Colorado AFL-CIO wanted to provide an overview of the accomplishments and disappointments with legislation pertaining to jobs and the economy. The good news: the economy is starting to improve. The bad news: opponents of working families are not helping and often actively ... Full Story