Earthsky Tonight — April1, 2010 Follow the arc to Arcturus
Now is the perfect time to look outside in the evening and learn a phrase useful to skywatchers. Scouts learn it. Grandparents teach it to kids. It was one of…
News for Norther Colorado and the world
Now is the perfect time to look outside in the evening and learn a phrase useful to skywatchers. Scouts learn it. Grandparents teach it to kids. It was one of…
If you have never seen the planet Mercury before, now is time to do so. Find the planet Venus in the western twilight after sunset, and you are pretty much…
Tonight, the waning gibbous moon beams near two bright and beautiful stars, Arcturus and Spica.
Tonight, the full moon beams between the golden planet Saturn and sparkling blue-white Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo the Maiden.
Go out at nightfall and look to the east, you will see the beautiful planet Saturn. It will be the starlike object close to tonight’s almost-full waxing gibbous moon.
The moon comes closest to the Earth for all of this month on March 28, 2010, at 5 hours Universal Time. For the central US, that puts the moon’s closest…
This evening, you will find Mars as a bright orangish “star” to the upper right of the moon. You will need a medium sized telescope and good seeing conditions to…
If you have been tracking the moon over the past few evenings, you know that it has been passing through some of the major players in the late winter, early…
The planet Saturn is at opposition today. That means Saturn is opposite the sun in Earth’s sky. At opposition, Saturn rises in the east at sunset and sets in the…
The March equinox marks that special moment when the sun crosses celestial equator, going from south to north. It happens today at 17:32 Universal Time, or 11:32 p.m. Mountain Daylight…