What Bible Is the GOP Reading
Not Muslim sharia; it is Roman Catholic "sharia" about contraception that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has been trying to impose on Americans of all faiths
News for Norther Colorado and the world
Not Muslim sharia; it is Roman Catholic "sharia" about contraception that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has been trying to impose on Americans of all faiths
why am I the only sane person in my family? Then another thought emerged. Or, am I?
In The Loveland LDS Stake there are there are currently 3,500 members spread from Southern Fort Collins to Berthoud
A hero is someone who does ordinary work under abnormal or dangerous conditions.
After all, the Wall Street financial wizards are the ones responsible for the financial mess our nation is in right now.
According to this program, I owed more income taxes to Uncle Sam than my actual income for the year
they would readily affirm that I am not addicted to hugging.
It is customary for the Church to open the doors of its temples to the public and the media before they are dedicated for sacred use by worthy Church members.
Second thoughts can certainly be dangerous.
Well, when my wife comes up with a good idea she comes up with a good idea!