NSA’s abuse of power
The roots of this trend go back at least as far as the Reagan era, when the political right became obsessed with limiting government and denigrating those who worked for…
News for Norther Colorado and the world
The roots of this trend go back at least as far as the Reagan era, when the political right became obsessed with limiting government and denigrating those who worked for…
Free nations don't spy on and murder their citizens.
No president has done more to create the infrastructure for a possible future police state than Mr. Obama
It was Conservatives who wanted to keep the “traditional American value” of slavery
Capitalist dictatorship has many similarities to fascism, but differs from it in lionizing not the workers of the nation but the entrepreneurs of the nation.
The irony is that socialist-inspired policies are popular with Americans, including many Republicans, even if the label is not
"Law is no longer what it was intended to be." Life in the Corporate Police State