July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘fertilizer’

Easy Steps to a Low Maintenance Eco-friendly Landscape

Easy Steps to a Low Maintenance Eco-friendly Landscape

Gardening expert Melinda Myers provides a plan to transform your landscape It’s possible to create a beautiful landscape and be kind to the environment even with a busy schedule and while staying within budget.  “All it takes is a bit of planning and a few low maintenance strategies,” says gardening expert and author Melinda Myers. Myers recommends these five strategies to create a low maintenance eco-friendly landscape this season. Be Waterwise
Save money on the water bill, time spent ... Full Story

Just stop that … biosolid

Just stop that … biosolid

        By Scott Crossen September 24, 2012         “Nothing ever becomes real, ‘til it is experience.” John Keats Autumn is hiding beyond tomorrow. Once again, it’s that time of year when the countryside is the place to be – to take in the changing colors, relax and breathe good clean air. Unfortunately, it is also the time of year when some landowners choose to spread toxic sewage sludge across their acreage because it is a cheap alternative to ... Full Story

Biosolids Use is Not a Common Agricultural Practice

Biosolids Use is Not a Common Agricultural Practice

        Nitrogen fertilizers have been used for hundreds of years. Cover crops and legumes to enrich the soil, as well as manure have been used for at least a thousand years. But the residuals from waste water treatment plants, located in industrial urban centers, have only recently been applied to land and have caused serious problems beyond nuisance issues. Hundreds of sludge-exposed rural neighbors have gotten sick, some with life-threatening illnesses; entire dairy ... Full Story