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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Gun Control’

Thousands of gun deaths since Newtown

Thousands of gun deaths since Newtown

    One Nation Under The Gun: Thousands Of Gun Deaths Since Newtown By Jason Cherkis On the morning of his murder, Feb. 11, Devin Aryal, 9, dressed to the ticking of his race car clock. His collection of stuffed animals, won from those arcade claw games, stared back at him from their perch on his top bunk. Devin felt he had outgrown the cutesy animal prints that had adorned the walls of his Oakdale, Minn., bedroom. He was in fourth grade now, after all. Without telling anyone, he had ... Full Story

Study Finds Stricter Gun Laws Mean Fewer Fatalities

Study Finds Stricter Gun Laws Mean Fewer Fatalities

  By Allison Brito A study released last week by JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association): Internal Medicine shows a direct correlation between gun laws and gun-related fatalities. While the study is mainly based on the number of gun laws, not the type (it doesn’t, for example, specify which particular laws are the most effective), it confirms that generally speaking, stricter gun laws result in fewer deaths. The report, entitled “Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related ... Full Story

Can We Have Sane Gun Control?

Can We Have Sane Gun Control?

Yes, We Can Have Sane Gun Control Without Trampling Gun Owners' Rights   The NRA is a problem for sane gun enthusiasts. By Joshua Holland, AtlerNet, December 14, 2012  | Editor's note: a version of this piece originally ran after the Minnesota Sikh Temple shootings in August. The United States is not the only country to experience the horrors of mass shootings. We are, however, the only society in which a serious discussion of tighter gun controls doesn't follow incidents like the ... Full Story