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Posts Tagged ‘guns’

Thousands of gun deaths since Newtown

Thousands of gun deaths since Newtown

    One Nation Under The Gun: Thousands Of Gun Deaths Since Newtown By Jason Cherkis On the morning of his murder, Feb. 11, Devin Aryal, 9, dressed to the ticking of his race car clock. His collection of stuffed animals, won from those arcade claw games, stared back at him from their perch on his top bunk. Devin felt he had outgrown the cutesy animal prints that had adorned the walls of his Oakdale, Minn., bedroom. He was in fourth grade now, after all. Without telling anyone, he had ... Full Story

Study Finds Stricter Gun Laws Mean Fewer Fatalities

Study Finds Stricter Gun Laws Mean Fewer Fatalities

  By Allison Brito A study released last week by JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association): Internal Medicine shows a direct correlation between gun laws and gun-related fatalities. While the study is mainly based on the number of gun laws, not the type (it doesn’t, for example, specify which particular laws are the most effective), it confirms that generally speaking, stricter gun laws result in fewer deaths. The report, entitled “Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related ... Full Story

‘Good Guys With Guns’ Will Not Stop Gun

‘Good Guys With Guns’ Will Not Stop Gun Massacres

  By Bob Cesca On HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher last Friday there was an extended and heated debate about gun control. The participants included Newark, NJ mayor Cory Booker and author Sam Harris, who, in case you don't recognize the name, happens to be an insufferable marketeer of the "both sides are awful" false equivalence. The debate mostly centered around Cory Booker arguing for a massive effort to seize illegally-obtained firearms, with Maher and Harris telling him he's crazy to ... Full Story

The KKK glorified as Confederacy grows in the South

The KKK glorified as Confederacy grows in the South

The Confederacy Making a Comeback in the South? KKK Grand Wizard Glorified, Civil Rights Heroes Ignored   As Southern whites sink into economic despair, more and more are retreating into a fictional past. January 28, 2013  | On a windy afternoon a few days ago I went to a depressed section of North Memphis to visit an old clapboard house that was once owned by a German immigrant named Jacob Burkle. Oral history—and oral history is all anyone has in this case since no written documents ... Full Story

Will the real NRA please stand up

Will the real NRA please stand up

  The Suprising Unknown History of the NRA For most of its history, the NRA supported gun control laws and did not see government as the enemy. By Steven Rosenfeld January 13, 2013  | For nearly a century after, its founding in 1871, the National Rifle Association was among America’s foremost pro-gun control organizations. It was not until 1977 when the NRA that Americans know today emerged, after libertarians who equated owning a gun with the epitome of freedom and fomented ... Full Story

Living under the gun: Bill Moyers

Living under the gun: Bill Moyers

            Living Under the Gun
 At least 12 are dead in Aurora, Colorado, gunned down by a mad man at a showing of the new Batman movie filled with make-believe violence. One of the guns the shooter used was an AK-47 type, assault weapon that was banned in 1994. The National Rifle Association saw to it that the ban expired in 2004. The NRA is the best friend a killer's instinct ever had. See Video   More ... Full Story

Fast and Furious, Post Opinion

Fast and Furious, Post Opinion

          Why ‘Fast and Furious’ is a political loser   Posted by Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake The fight over Operation “Fast and Furious” recommences this week, as Congress returns to Washington today with a contempt vote on Attorney General Eric Holder looming. Darrell Issa (R-CA) before a hearing on "Fast & Furious: Management Failures at the Department of Justice" on Capitol Hill in Washington, in this February 2, 2012, file photo. REUTERS/Kevin ... Full Story

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