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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Healthcare’

Healthcare is a basic human right not a political

Healthcare is a basic human right not a political football

By Wim Laven On May 4, 2013, I delivered the eulogy for my 33-year-old brother. I’m not sure that our political representatives understand what this feels like when they make decisions to take healthcare away from people. When innocent civilians are killed for political reasons we usually consider it an act of terrorism or a crime against humanity, but, inexplicably, when political leaders make decisions that only happen to cause those deaths why is it so easy to look away? This ... Full Story

People without healthcare, GOP doesn’t care

People without healthcare, GOP doesn’t care

      McConnell: People Without Healthcare ‘Not the Issue’ (Video) by Jeff Fecke Like most Republicans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) has said that he wants to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act. Like most Republicans, McConnell has been rather vague about what he’d replace it with. On Sunday, McConnell was specific about one thing: the GOP replacement for Obamacare won’t be concerned with providing insurance for 30 million uninsured ... Full Story

Bank robbery for health care

Bank robbery for health care

In what can only be described as a new low for the for-profit healthcare system, 59-year-old Richard James Verone held up a bank for $1 with the hopes of going to prison and obtaining prison health care. In Gaston County, North Carolina, Verone showed up at the RBC bank, presented the teller with a note indicating he was robbing the bank in the amount of $1, and after receiving the dollar from the teller, sat down to wait for the police to arrive. The former Coca-Cola delivery driver's ... Full Story