Darrell Issa Lied about IRS “scandal”
Full Transcript Reveals That Darrell Issa Lied About Obama Involvement In IRS Scandal
Anatomy of a Bogus Scandal
GOP Knew of IRS Scrutiny But Stayed Quiet for a Year
IRS scandal is phony
"I do not believe partisanship motivated the people involved in the practices described," Miller testified.
Six Facts Lost in the IRS Scandal
1. Social welfare nonprofits are supposed to have social welfare, and not politics, as their “primary” purpose.
Kevin Lundberg vs the IRS
Lundberg should try to do something a bit more useful with his time.
The taxing of my fragile sanity
According to this program, I owed more income taxes to Uncle Sam than my actual income for the year
Woman sentenced to 3 years in prison for failing to report income to the IRS
Linda Abramson-Schmeiler maintained at trial that she did not believe that she had to report the $1.6 million in receipts because the payments were offset by her product purchases
Madam files false tax return
The prostitutes would provide messages as well as routinely perform sexual acts for customers in exchange for money.
Easy filing, faster refund with Colorado e-file options
The income tax filing deadline is about one month away.