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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Japanese’

On This Day, November 26, 1941

On This Day, November 26, 1941

  Japanese task force leaves for Pearl Harbor On this day in 1941, Adm. Chuichi Nagumo leads the Japanese First Air Fleet, an aircraft carrier strike force, toward Pearl Harbor, with the understanding that should "negotiations with the United States reach a successful conclusion, the task force will immediately put about and return to the homeland." Negotiations had been ongoing for months. Japan wanted an end to U.S. economic sanctions. The Americans wanted Japan out of China and ... Full Story

On This Day, October 25, 1944

On This Day, October 25, 1944

  First kamikaze attack of the war begins On this day in 1944, during the Battle of the Leyte Gulf, the Japanese deploy kamikaze ("divine wind") suicide bombers against American warships for the first time. It will prove costly--to both sides. This decision to employ suicide bombers against the American fleet at Leyte, an island of the Philippines, was based on the failure of conventional naval and aerial engagements to stop the American offensive. Declared Japanese naval Capt. Motoharu ... Full Story

Information Regarding Japanese Relief Efforts on

  Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet has posted information on his website for Coloradans who are interested in supporting Japanese relief efforts.  Coloradans can visit bennet.senate.gov and scroll down to click on the “Help for Japan” link to access information and links to a list of organizations currently responding to the earthquake and tsunami.  Those seeking information about specific U.S. citizens in Japan should contact Bennet’s office or send an ... Full Story