July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Jesus’

Jesus Wants You To Buy An AR-15

Jesus Wants You To Buy An AR-15

  This Week In Crazy  By Henry Decker #1 This week’s “winner” is retired lieutenant general and current Family Research Council vice president Jerry Boykin. Boykin, who was last seen on this list fawning over his image of Jesus Christ as a “man’s man” with “big bulging biceps” and a “thin waist,” has added another accessory to his fantasy Christ: An AR-15! “The Lord is a warrior and in Revelation 19 is says when he comes back, he’s coming back as what? A ... Full Story

GOP plays the Christianity card

GOP plays the Christianity card

                    The Myth of the Christian Right By Mary Shaw (about the author)   GOP politicians and their followers love to play the Christianity card. They wave their bibles and wag their fingers at anyone whose behavior doesn't pass their sanctimonious moral judgment. They call themselves Christians, but in Catholic school I was taught that Christians adore and follow Jesus Christ. These holier-than-thou Republicans don't reflect ... Full Story

Would you vote for a radical Jew

Would you vote for a radical Jew

He hung around with lepers, hookers and crooks. He was totally anti-death penalty; anti-public prayer; never once spoke about anti-gay or abortion.

What Bible Is the GOP Reading

What Bible Is the GOP Reading

    What Bible Is Santorum Reading? By Mike Lux When conservative Congressman Todd Akin a few months back suggested that liberalism was a "hatred of God," I postulated that given the overwhelming support for liberal and progressive values in the Judeo-Christian Bible, perhaps he had never bothered to actually read the Bible. With Rick Santorum's recent comment that Obama's agenda is "Some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology," I am now ... Full Story

Who Would Jesus Vote For?

Who Would Jesus Vote For?

      Should Christians Ask: Who Would Jesus Vote For? By Doug Bandow Evangelical churches long have been called the Republican Party at prayer. The observation might be close to true in Iowa. And that should make American Christians nervous about their future in politics. The relationship of religion and politics has been fraught with controversy since America's founding. In Europe a brutal mixture of church and state harmed both institutions: faith was perverted by power, ... Full Story