July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘John Boehner’

Bribery keep domestic spying in place

Bribery keep domestic spying in place

  Domestic Spy Program Remaining In Place Thanks to Legal Bribes By Justin Acuff The recent failure of Congress to reign in the domestic surveillance capabilities of the NSA wasn’t split along party lines; instead, the 217-205 vote was split along which congresspeople get paid more by the defense industry. You probably won’t be surprised to learn that those getting more money from the defense industry voted against cutting that power back. Our government is deeply corrupt on a ... Full Story

Mr. Boehner consoles Mr. Issa

Mr. Boehner consoles Mr. Issa


After Signaling Support, John Boehner Calls Tax Break

After Signaling Support, John Boehner Calls Tax Break For Middle Class ‘Chicken-Shit’

  After Signaling Support, John Boehner Calls Tax Break For Middle Class ‘Chicken-Shit’ Alex Seitz-Wald on Dec 2, 2011 at 4:10 pm Despite their stated opposition to tax increases, Republican lawmakers have been largely cool or even hostile to a proposed extension of the temporary payroll tax cut, pushed by President Obama and Democrats. Finally, this week, Republicans seemed to relent as GOP congressional leaders publicly urged their caucuses to vote for an extension of the plan. ... Full Story

Media choice: Economics or Bachmann’s outfit?

Media choice: Economics or Bachmann’s outfit?

  The election game is back as the media turns away from political economics and towards the banality of politicians.   "]And so it came to pass, as predicted, projected, and warned about, that the economy is about to tank again. No less an authority than Nouriel Roubini, once dismissed as "Dr Doom" for his predictions - entirely accurate - of the 2008 financial crisis, is shaking his head and pointing his finger again. In intellectual circles, there is more and more talk about the ... Full Story