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Posts Tagged ‘John Whitehead’

Bill of Rights Day: Are Our Freedoms in Jeopardy?

Bill of Rights Day: Are Our Freedoms in Jeopardy?

  “Those responsible for the demise of the Bill of Rights are none other than the schools, the courts, the politicians, and ‘we the people,’” stated Whitehead. “Unless we act now to secure our constitutional rights, America will continue down the path toward tyranny.” The passage of the Patriot Act in 2001 ushered in an era in American history in which basic rights that guided political leaders since the founding of the nation have become second place to concerns over ... Full Story

Fulfilling Orwell’s Prophecy

Fulfilling Orwell’s Prophecy

  Fulfilling Orwell's Prophecy: 15 Futuristic Films You Should See             By John W. Whitehead July 18, 2011             "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever."—George Orwell It has been over 60 years since George Orwell published his novel1984. Described as political satire, it is, in reality, a political prophecy—one that is being fulfilled in our own ... Full Story

America the Battlefield

America the Battlefield

  America the Battlefield: The End of the Rule of Law December 5, 2011
 By John W. Whitehead  “All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined… could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. ... Full Story

George Harrison (Feb. 25, 1943—Nov. 29, 2001)

George Harrison (Feb. 25, 1943—Nov. 29, 2001)

  George Harrison (Feb. 25, 1943—Nov. 29, 2001): A Life Remembered in Words and Songs By John W. Whitehead November 21, 2011 Ten years ago, on November 29, 2001, George Harrison—the "quiet Beatle"—passed away at the age of 58, a victim of throat cancer. Harrison left behind an amazing legacy, one that not only spanned a legendary musical career that began with the Beatles and continued throughout his solo career but also went beyond the cultural to the spiritual. Indeed, Harrison's ... Full Story

Occupy America and Friendly Fascism

Occupy America and Friendly Fascism

  Occupy America and Friendly Fascism: Life in the Corporate Police State October 31, 2011 By John Whitehead     "Law is no longer what it was intended to be - a set of rules equally binding everyone to ensure that outcome inequalities are at least legitimate - and instead has become the opposite: a tool used by the politically and financially powerful to entrench their own power and control the society. That's how and why the law now destroys equality and protects the ... Full Story

Troy Davis Should Not Be Put to Death

Troy Davis Should Not Be Put to Death

          By John W. Whitehead September 14, 2011 "Troy Davis has three major strikes against him. First, he is an African-American man. Second, he was charged with killing a white police officer. And third, he is in Georgia."—Author and journalist Amy Goodman There is nothing moral or just about the death penalty—certainly not the way it is implemented in America, and anyone who says otherwise is either deluding themselves or trying to get elected by appearing ... Full Story

VICTORY: Affirming Free Speech,

VICTORY: Affirming Free Speech,

  Circuit Court Judge Dismisses Case Against Iraq War Veteran Charged with Disorderly Conduct  RICHMOND, Va. — In a victory for free speech, Judge Stoudt of the Circuit Court for the City of Richmond has dismissed the Commonwealth of Virginia's case against Nathan Cox, an Iraq War veteran and civil activist, who was issued a citation for disorderly conduct after he used a bullhorn to call out to a police officer who appeared to be conducting a traffic stop, remarking, "Stop harassing ... Full Story

Ten Years After 9/11

Ten Years After 9/11

 Have We Become the Enemy of Freedom? By John W. Whitehead September 6, 2011 When the World Trade Center crumbled to the ground on September 11, 2001, it took with it any illusions Americans might have harbored about the nation's invincibility, leaving many feeling vulnerable, scared and angry. Yet in that moment of weakness, while most of us were still reeling from the terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of some 3,000 Americans, we managed to draw strength from and comfort each ... Full Story

The Military Industrial Complex: The Enemy from Within

The Military Industrial Complex: The Enemy from Within

      By John W. Whitehead July 11, 2011     “Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes … known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”—James Madison   “When a nation becomes obsessed with the guns ... Full Story

7th grade student suspended for oregano

7th grade student suspended for oregano

Zero Tolerance Alert: School Officials Suspend 7th Grade Honor Student Over Innocuous Possession of Italian Herb, Oregano CHESAPEAKE, Va. — Pointing to yet another instance of zero tolerance policies being misapplied, attorneys for The Rutherford Institute have criticized school officials at Hickory Middle School for grossly overreacting when they suspended a seventh grade honors student over allegations that he was in possession of the Italian herb oregano. Insisting that Adam Grass, a ... Full Story

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