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Posts Tagged ‘Kevin Lundberg’

Voters? Screw The Voters, Says Sen. Kevin Lundberg

Voters? Screw The Voters, Says Sen. Kevin Lundberg

  by: Colorado Pols                                                                                March 29, 2017 at 12:26 PM MDT   Sen. Kevin Lundberg (R). A story from the Denver Post’s John Frank today that will make your blood ... Full Story

Lundberg January 2016 Newsletter

Lundberg January 2016 Newsletter

Health Exchange Tax Death Penalty Observations on Iowa   Health Exchange Tax The first bill I introduced this year, Senate Bill 2, will require the voters in Colorado to approve the tax imposed on them by the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange. If the exchange wants to tax the people $30,321,000, they should go to the voters and the voters should be allowed to make that decision. TABOR (the Taxpayer Bill of Rights) requires that all new taxes be approved by a vote of ... Full Story

ALEC influence Exposed

  In the Tucson Immigration Examiner SB 1070-Backer ALEC Under Fire for its Legislative Influence By Luke Witman For many, the American Legislative Exchange Council, a powerful and well funded coalition of corporations and lawmakers, first came to the public attention when a 2010 NPR investigation revealed the role that the organization played in influencing SB 1070, a law that many of its members financially benefited from. In particular, those opposed to SB 1070 were outraged to ... Full Story

Kevin Lundberg vs the IRS

Kevin Lundberg vs the IRS

Editor’ Note: Senator Lundberg is trying to make “political hay” on a non-issue. It is true that approximately 400,000 non-profits lost their status when they did not heed the notices about the need to start submitting annual reports to the IRS. However, as a board member a local non-profit, I know that our treasurer received the notice and found it easy to comply and there was no problem. I continued making the reports after she retired. Another organization, of which I am a member, did ... Full Story

Lundberg aims sights for Washington

Kevin Lundberg to run agains Polis in 2nd district Sen. Kevin Lundberg, R-Berthoud, has decided that he will run against Rep. Jared Polis, a Democrat representing the 2nd Congressional District, Larimer County's new district in 2013. "Based on strong support from citizens of the Second Congressional District Kevin has decided to move forward with a campaign," said Lundberg's campaign website,www.kevinlundberg2012.com.

Lundberg looks at running for U.S. Congress

With the new Congressional District plan I now live in the Second Congressional District, currently represented by Jared Polis. Therefore, today I am announcing the formation of a congressional exploratory committee to determine if I should run against Jared Polis in the 2012 election. To gauge the interest and potential support I have launched a website for the exploratory committee: www.kevinlundberg2012.com.

Lundberg Legislative Report, 4/12/11

April 12, 2011 Topics: 1. My SIP Bill 2. Third Annual Loveland Tax Day Tea Party 3. Long Bill Debate and Vote   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. On Friday I introduced SB-237, concerning the SIP (State Implementation Plan) for controlling haze. This bill modifies the SIP submitted by the Public Utilities Commission in January. The bill also calls for a clear and transparent examination of what the SIP will cost and what ... Full Story

Lundberg Legislative Report-April 2, 2011

  Topics:   1. Civil Union Bill in the House 2. SB-200, Medical Exchange Program 3. David Hartley, Six Months After His Murder 4. The Budget Bill Stalls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. This past Thursday was a busy time in both houses. In the House the civil union bill was in Judiciary. The final fate of this very controversial bill was decided. I attended a prayer vigil for its defeat at noon. After many hours of ... Full Story

Support Senator Kevin Lundberg

Support Senator Kevin Lundberg

Your vote for Senator Kevin Lundberg is a vote for “common sense in government.” Kevin is against tax increases and the current level of government spending.  He knows that individual citizens make better decisions spending their money than bureaucrats. He knows that citizens are taxed enough already, and he supports the proposed initiatives that would cut fees and taxes on income and property, and limit government borrowing. Kevin strongly supports education, families and our ... Full Story

Senator Kevin Lundberg

Senator Kevin Lundberg has done an outstanding job representing “we the people” in Colorado’s legislature.   He believes that government should never become so big and powerful that it overwhelms our liberties with mandates, taxes, fees and endless bureaucracies.  He fought against the recently enacted car tax, the constitution-defying property tax increase, the elimination of the senior homestead property tax exemption, to name a few.  He has fought to rein in undisciplined spending ... Full Story

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