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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Koch’

ALEC Members won’t support democracy

ALEC Members won’t support democracy

ALEC Members Refuse to Sign a Pledge Supporting Democracy   It is fair to assume that America is host to an incredibly ignorant population who know very little about their government and how it affects their daily lives. That sad fact was exposed in a brilliant 2008 book revealing that only 20% of the population can name the three branches of government and 49% think a president has the authority to suspend the Constitution. However, the population’s ignorance of their government aside, it ... Full Story

ACLU challenges voter suppression law

ACLU challenges voter suppression law

ACLU's Federal Challenge to WI GOP's Photo ID Restrictions Could Reverse Similar Laws Nationwide   By Ernest A. Canning on 12/15/2011 6:29am Guest blogged by Ernest A. Canning Election laws in Wisconsin are not covered by Section 5 of the federal Voting Rights Act, which would otherwise require the Dept. of Justice or a federal panel of judges to "preclear" such laws to assure they are not discriminatory. Thus, it falls to non-governmental organizations, such as the American Civil ... Full Story

Who are the 1%, Vote Now

Who are the 1%, Vote Now

  Know the Facts   In just the last generation, the richest 1% almost quadrupled their incomes. The average wealth of the 1% is 225 times bigger than the wealth of the typical household – the highest it’s ever been. Three decades ago, CEOs made about 40 times as much as an average worker – now CEOs make almost 200 times as much as regular employees. Last year, half of Americans earned less than $26,000 while CEOs at top 500 companies raked in an average of $11 million. Over the ... Full Story

Koch Brothers: doing away with America

  The Koch Brothers, David and Charles, are the fifth richest people in the United States. They get their revenue from Koch Industries. The Koch's are philanthropists and also use their vast wealth to  promote right wing political organizations including several that they have created. Their political beliefs are Libertarian, believing in the least amount of government. They are major funders of the Tea Party, thus belying its "grass roots" origins. See: Romney Campaign Memo: The Koch ... Full Story

Dems accuse Gardner of cozying up to the Kochs

Representative Gardner Gets Support from Company Doing Business with Iran Press release: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Last year Congress passed the Iran Sanctions Act with strong bipartisan support, but a new Bloomberg investigation revealed that one of Representative Cory Gardner (CO-04)’s large supporters, who spent over $300,000 to benefit his campaign, profited from business with Iran despite the country’s known links to financing terrorists. Not only did Gardner’s ... Full Story

Editorial:The Brothers Koch and AB 32

Editorial:The Brothers Koch and AB 32

Editorial September 20, 2010 The Brothers Koch and AB 32 Four years ago, bipartisan majorities in the California Legislature approved a landmark clean energy bill ... Now a well-financed coalition of right-wing ideologues, out-of-state oil and gas companies and climate-change skeptics is seeking to effectively kill that law ....