July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘law enforcement’

‘Good Guys With Guns’ Will Not Stop Gun

‘Good Guys With Guns’ Will Not Stop Gun Massacres

  By Bob Cesca On HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher last Friday there was an extended and heated debate about gun control. The participants included Newark, NJ mayor Cory Booker and author Sam Harris, who, in case you don't recognize the name, happens to be an insufferable marketeer of the "both sides are awful" false equivalence. The debate mostly centered around Cory Booker arguing for a massive effort to seize illegally-obtained firearms, with Maher and Harris telling him he's crazy to ... Full Story

Heroes Behind the Badge

Heroes Behind the Badge

    Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith is inviting Larimer County residents to attend a special screening of the documentary film Heroes Behind the Badge on Friday, January 25 at 6:10 p.m. at the Timberline Church, 2908 South Timberline Road in Fort Collins. This documentary film features some of the brave men and women of law enforcement from around the country who have put their lives on the line and survived, and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Already this inspiring movie ... Full Story

10 Shockingly Violent Police Assaults on Occupy

10 Shockingly Violent Police Assaults on Occupy Protesters

Intro by Gary Wamsley Unfortunately you will not find "Main Stream Media" covering this side of the story. In this case, AlterNet has put together these 10 events and added some comments and context. The point is that police are not supposed to use more force than necessary. When they do it infuriates crowds and leads to confrontations. The unprovoked attacks in these videos is a chilling statement on the police state that the United States is becoming. The sight in some of these videos of ... Full Story

Buckle Up Rural Colorado

It’s a Habit You Can Live With Law Enforcement in 50 rural counties conduct Click It or Ticket enforcement March 31-April 6th DENVER – In an effort to increase seat belt use and save lives on rural Colorado roadways, the Colorado State Patrol and 36 rural law enforcement agencies in 50 counties are mobilizing for a Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement period, March 31 through April 6th.  The enforcement is combined with a seat belt education campaign, aimed at dispelling the myths and ... Full Story

Sheriff’s Deputy initiates effort to establish

Sheriff’s Deputy initiates effort to establish law enforcement license plate

Larimer County Sheriff's Office patrol deputy Basil Marciniak recently initiated an effort to establish a law enforcement memorial license plate in Colorado.  After the death of Weld County Deputy Sherriff  Sam Brownlee, Deputy Marciniak was inspired to do something to honor law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.  He then contacted Colorado Concerns of Police Survivors, an organization dedicated to assisting families of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, ... Full Story

Smith Best Qualified for Sheriff

Smith Best Qualified for Sheriff

Dear Citizens of Larimer County: The office of sheriff requires minimum standards to perform the duties successfully, just as any other organizational leader should have. Education, professional experience, personal experience, and the respect of peers are some of those minimum standards. The leader of a sheriff’s office in this century should have years of law enforcement experience, management experience, leadership experience, educational experience, and the respect of peers that ... Full Story