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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘liberty’

Politics are tribal warfare

Politics are tribal warfare

Have You Ever Wondered What Compells Your Conservative Relatives to Vote the Way They Do?   Jonathan Haidt on why seemingly decent people are so divided on politics. By Ryan Howes January 3, 2013 By the time you’re reading this, the 2012 election will have been decided, and we’ll all have had our fill of the partisan rancor that’s become commonplace in politics. Perhaps you yourself have had the experience of getting lost in an argument in which you became ... Full Story

Where has liberty gone

Where has liberty gone

  The Bill Of Rights Has A Very Bad Week   By Charles P. Pierce Of course, while everyone in Washington, and the courtier press that serves them, were endlessly droning on and on about the Gentle Fiscal Incline, the Bill Of Rights closed out 2012 by having one of the worst weeks it's had in the two centuries of its existence. But the courtier press paid that little mind, possibly because selling out the Bill Of Rights was done on a "bipartisan" basis, and the denizens of the various ... Full Story

Ron Paul hates democracy

Ron Paul hates democracy

  Ron Paul's Farewell Speech in Congress Lays Bare His Hatred for "Pure Democracy," and Love of Oligarchy Paul believes in liberty... for businessmen. November 28, 2012  | By Robert Parry Rep. Ron Paul, an icon to the libertarian Right and to some on the anti-war Left, gave a farewell address to Congress that expressed his neo-Confederate interpretation of the Constitution and his anti-historical view of the supposedly good old days of laissez-faire capitalism. In a near-hour-long ... Full Story

Occupy America and Friendly Fascism

Occupy America and Friendly Fascism

  Occupy America and Friendly Fascism: Life in the Corporate Police State October 31, 2011 By John Whitehead     "Law is no longer what it was intended to be - a set of rules equally binding everyone to ensure that outcome inequalities are at least legitimate - and instead has become the opposite: a tool used by the politically and financially powerful to entrench their own power and control the society. That's how and why the law now destroys equality and protects the ... Full Story