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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Libya’

Cancer with political clout

Cancer with political clout

By Robert C. Koehler A suicide bomber inflicts hell at a concert hall in Manchester, England that’s full of children, as though that was the point — to murder children. The horror of war . . . well, terrorism . . . doesn’t get any worse. And the media, as they focus on the spectacle of what happened, as they cover the particulars of the tragedy — the suspect’s name and ethnicity and apparent grievances, the anguish of the survivors, the names and ages of the victims — ... Full Story

Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report

The Huffington Post  |  By Chris Gentilviso One day after The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi emails, a report has surfaced alleging that Republicans released a set with altered text. CBS News reported Thursday that leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday's official batch. Two correspondences that were singled out in the report came from National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland. The GOP ... Full Story

Obama’s Way

Obama’s Way

Michael Lewis's article in Vanity Fair is a must read. Lewis was given unprecedented to the president and presents a picture not often seen of a sitting president. From his basketball games to deciding to intervene in Libya, Lewis gives insight into the mind of our president. This is an incredible article giving a glimpse of what it takes to be president and the humbleness and humanity of the man who now occupies this office..           Obama's Way By Michael ... Full Story

On This Day: December 21, 1988

On This Day: December 21, 1988

Pan Am Flight 103 explodes over Scotland On this day in 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 from London to New York explodes in midair over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew members aboard, as well as 11 Lockerbie residents on the ground. A bomb hidden inside an audio cassette player detonated in the cargo area when the plane was at an altitude of 31,000 feet. The disaster, which became the subject of Britain's largest criminal investigation, was believed to be an attack ... Full Story

Saif Qaddafi and Me

Saif Qaddafi and Me

  On the ethics of helping a despotic government With the capture of Saif al-islam Gaddaffi, it is a good time to reflect on the ethics of those who assisted the repressive regime of Libya and enabled it to stay in power. Dani Rodrik, Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard University penned his thoughts earlier this year. It first appeared in Project Syndicate and was reprinted at Al Jazeera English.         Saif Qaddafi and Me Dani ... Full Story

Libya Situation Report, October 20, 2011

Libya Situation Report, October 20, 2011

Reuters is reporting that a local military commander in the city of Misrata, where the forces which captured Gaddafi took his body, said "over-enthusiastic" fighters took matters into their own hands when they came face to face with the man they despise. "We wanted to keep him alive but the young guys, things went out of control," he said speaking on condition of anonymity. -Reuters "Clues to Gaddafi's death concealed from public view"     Situation Report October 20, 2011 Prepared by: ... Full Story

Boehner and Republicans to support Gaddafi

Blomberg Boehner Says Lawmakers May Seek to Deny Funds for U.S. Operations in Libya By Margaret Talev and James Rowley House Speaker John Boehner said President Barack Obama’s explanation of why he can continue the U.S. mission in Libya without lawmakers’ approval “doesn’t pass a straight-face test” and that lawmakers will consider options to constrain the president, including withholding funds. Read More

Libyan Boy Scouts take on big role

Libyan Boy Scouts take on big role

            Benghazi Boy Scouts Fill Vacuum of Libyan Social Services by Phil Litner When the Gadhafi government lost control of eastern Libya, a vacuum formed in social and other basic services.  Among those who have stepped forward to help are the Benghazi Boy Scouts. The chaos that has engulfed Libya in the last few weeks has sent ripple effects throughout the society.  One unexpected group has been called up to fill gaps that no one could have ... Full Story

Time Magazine: A US opportunity in Libya

Time Magazine: A US opportunity in Libya

      Time Magazine The Libyan Conundrum Fareed Zakaria Now the U.S. has the opportunity to break the dysfunctional dynamic that produces anti-American hatred and violence. The Obama Administration has properly aligned itself with the hopes and aspirations of the Arab people, and it has called for governments in the region to engage in serious reform. But right now all these efforts have been sidelined. Libya is burning. Its people rose, and the tyrant gunned them down. Unless ... Full Story

The myth of Tribal Libya

The Libyan youth uses a number of communication media. In addition to their Twitter and Facebook pages, they have a web site on which they keep a running update, publishes some of their own publication and provides articles that have appeared in international newspapers.   Todays page includeds "Libya's uprising attract participants worldwide" from the Washington Post "Video: Apparently the whole Libyan social media revolution is a fake" showing attempts to discredit the Libyan Youth ... Full Story

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