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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Libya’

Videos from Libya

      CNN Reporter gets a look at Misrata after weeks of siege.       Translated Video: Injured revolutionary refuses to praise Gaddafi, shots fired & ending unclear   Translation: Gaddafi Soldier: Raise your head, Raise your head, Get on your back, What is your name?! What is your Name? Injured man: Ahmed. Gaddafi Soldier: Say long live alfatah (Gaddafi/Gaddafi’s revolution) Injured man: God is great Gaddafi Soldier: Say long live Alfatah ... Full Story

Why Gaddafi is an Imminent Threat to America

By: Anonymous Feb17 Contributor Editors' note: Feb 17 is the online publication of the Libyan Youth Movement: Link to article and comments Nearly 25 years ago, then President Ronald Reagan sent 45 planes to drop 300 bombs and shoot 48 missiles at seven locations throughout Libya in order to take out Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who he labeled the “mad dog of the Middle East.” Reagan’s actions were not ordered as a result of a bogus report on weapons of mass destruction.  They were not ... Full Story

A vision of a democratic Libya

A vision of a democratic Libya

The political and international affairs committee of Libya's interim national council presents its eight-point plan for the country The interim national council, formed by opposition groups in Libya, has said it will hold free and fair elections and draft a national constitution. Here is its eight-point plan in full.   A vision of a democratic Libya The interim national council hereby presents its vision for rebuilding the democratic state of Libya. This vision responds to the needs and ... Full Story

Libya, Afghan War, Ukraine

Libya, Afghan War, Ukraine

    Friends in High Places Judy Bachrach With their invasion of Libya, the US, France, and Britain have entered into a risky, multi-dimensional conflict that could stretch well beyond a few weeks. Where, wonders Judy Bachrach, is the military assistance that the Arab League, who so vehemently petitioned the allies to launch their attack and who will be so clearly affected by the fallout from the Libya crisis? Read More       Fantasies of Afghan War Progress at ... Full Story

Udall Urges Swift Transfer of Command in Libya to NATO

Udall Urges Swift Transfer of Command in Libya to NATO Today, as international coalition forces continued to make progress in their push to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya, Mark Udall reiterated his belief that Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi gave the international community no choice but to launch military action.  But Udall, a member of the Senate’s Armed Services and Intelligence committees, added that he has a number of concerns about the future of the U.S. role in the conflict.  Ultimately, he ... Full Story

Udall Statement on U.S. Military Action in Libya

Today, Mark Udall made the following statement on U.S. action in Libya: “Like all Americans, I deplore and condemn the violence against Libyans who are asserting their rights to basic freedoms.  Colonel Qaddafi has been a brutal dictator and is viciously attacking his own people in order to maintain control, and he gave the international community no choice but to act . “Importantly, the United States is acting in concert with the United Nations.  France, Britain and other nations are ... Full Story

Stories from Libya, Tuesday March 1

The Washington Post In Libya, an unlikely hero of a youth-led revolution by Leila Fadel Washington Post Foreign Service BENGHAZI, LIBYA - Mehdi Mohammed Zeyo was the most unlikely of revolutionary heroes. The bespectacled 49-year-old worked in the supplies department of a state-owned oil company. He was a diabetic with two teenage daughters.   The Guardian, UK Libya is united in popular revolution – please don't intervene by Muhammad min Libya "Kiss my mum goodbye for me, and tell her ... Full Story

Lybia in the news

The New York Times The Opinion Pages Unfit for Democracy? By Nicholas D Kristof I don’t think so. Moreover, this line of thinking seems to me insulting to the unfree world. In Egypt and Bahrain in recent weeks, I’ve been humbled by the lionhearted men and women I’ve seen defying tear gas or bullets for freedom that we take for granted. How can we say that these people are unready for a democracy that they are prepared to die for?     Associated Press Clinton: US ready to aid to ... Full Story

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