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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘life’

Sen Aguilar’s Guardian Bill Passes Unanimously

Senator Irene Aguilar’s 911 Good Samaritan Bill continued on its path through the Senate Monday, passing its second reading on the Senate floor with overwhelming bipartisan support.  The bill aims to save lives and improve public health by encouraging those in the presence of a drug overdose to put thoughts about a victim whose life may be in danger above fears of arrest or criminal prosecution for being in the presence of illegal drug use. “The bill sends a very strong message that ... Full Story

Life’s Outtakes: A Relative Disaster

A Relative Disaster By Daris Howard   The church bulletin carried a notice for a genealogy class that was going to be offered in our local community. A friend of mine joked that I ought to take it to help me find out why I’m so nutty. “Maybe you will learn that you have had squirrels in your family tree.” “Very funny,” I replied. But I must admit that the thought intrigued me. I have some old aunts that work on this kind of thing all of the time. They can tell me who my ... Full Story

Differences In Gratitude

  By Daris Howard I was 19 years old, living in New York, and a long way from home. It was Thanksgiving time, and I knew I would not be able to go home for Thanksgiving. Two different families. that attended the same church I did, invited me to Thanksgiving dinner. The first dinner was to be at about noon, and the second would be around 7:00 in the evening. Being young, and having a big appetite, I figured I would be fine accepting both. On that morning, I ate a light breakfast so I could ... Full Story

Why I Am A Teacher

  By Daris Howard It was summer graduation day at the university where I work and a beautiful day it was, unlike the first graduation I attended as a young professor. That one was in April and the cold south wind had swirled the snow around us. On that day, as we watched the students file past, one of my more seasoned colleagues, who was also my mentor, turned to me and said, “Graduation will be one of the happiest and one of the saddest times of your life.” When I asked him why it was ... Full Story

A Technology World

  By Daris Howard   I had been grading papers all day, and I was exhausted. As the work day ended and I left my office, it felt good to step out into the fresh air. I decided to take a longer route to the parking lot to see if I could clear the cobwebs from my head. As I turned the last corner, about 100 yards from where I was parked, I joined a couple of young men who were coming from the lower part of campus. Their clothes were rough and their appearance unkempt. They looked ... Full Story

Keeping A Promise

By Daris Howard I had recently arrived in New York and met the group of young men I was going to be working with. I had heard that they often played tricks on the new arrivals, so I was wary. We had a regional meeting coming up, and the more experienced young men gathered around to give me some advice. John, the one that I would be working most closely with, started off. “When we go to the conference, there is a young lady that will be there that you definitely must meet. Look at the ... Full Story

Life’s Outtakes – The Contest For The Best

By Daris Howard   I was practicing the 100 meter hurdles when a young man came running up to me. “Coach wants you in his office immediately! ” I hurried in, and found three other young men already there. Coach frowned as I entered. “Kinda slow, Howard. ” “Sorry, Sir, ” I replied. “I was at the track. ” Coach turned so he could face all four of us. “You are to report to the journalism room. ” “Should we change first? ” I asked. “No, and there’s no time for that ... Full Story

Slices of Life, Our house rules

Slices of Life, Our house rules

  Slices of Life By: Jill Pertler The title of this column may lead you to believe I entertain a lofty perception of my house – as in my house rules the universe. While that may be true (but not really), the “rules” cited in the title refer to a noun, not a verb. Rules: Directives involving the correct time to go to bed, the necessity of frequent tooth brushing and the value of vegetables. In other words, the things every kid detests. I penned the following tidbits of wisdom during ... Full Story

One Happy Moment

One Happy Moment

      By J. Scott Crossen March, 2011         It happened, again. This morning I began my usual semi-conscious wobble through the kitchen turning on the coffee maker, television, and plopping my butt on a chair at the table. While leaning on my elbows, rubbing my eyes and running my hands through my hair, my brain eventually caught up to the TV monologue: Murders, robberies, rapes, natural disasters, animal cruelty, and, of course, war. The bulk of this ... Full Story