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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Mike Moran’

Mike Moran’s Sports Commentary

Mike Moran’s Sports Commentary

                Janet Evans And Her Olympic Dream                           Not so fast…….. It was sometime in 2000, in some place like New York, Los Angeles or Boston, when I thought I would be seeing Janet Evans for the last time. Over a dozen years and three Olympics, I had become accustomed to seeing the Olympic Hall of Fame swimming star on a regular basis, and I hated the idea ... Full Story

On The Passing Of An American Sports Hero

On The Passing Of An American Sports Hero

                                    Colorado Springs, November 15-------------Somewhere beneath the noxious layers of mist that made our American sports news in the last week, came a smaller, almost unnoticed story that drew me in with its historic imprint and echoes of a time long gone when sports produced legends of substance. Buried on the pages of the newspapers beneath the inundation of words about ... Full Story

The Day New York’s Dream Died

The Day New York’s Dream Died

By Mike Moran Senior Media Consultant The Colorado Springs Sports Corporation It was five years ago today, July 6, 2005, but it seems like twenty……….. more than 4,000 people had jammed into a mini-stadium at Rockefeller Center in New York City early on a muggy morning before 7:00 to watch on a pair of giant screens as the International Olympic Committee selected the city that would host the 2012 Olympic Games……….. on the night before, our small stadium setting was electric, with ... Full Story