Serve With Honor, Honor Those Who Serve; Or Support Trump?
This year it is imperative that people understand that honor and the name Donald Trump cannot fit in the same sentence. His dishonor to the service and sacrifice of American…
News for Norther Colorado and the world
This year it is imperative that people understand that honor and the name Donald Trump cannot fit in the same sentence. His dishonor to the service and sacrifice of American…
Uncle Sam Doesn’t Want You -- He Already Has You
"How many women and children have you seen incinerated by a Hellfire missile?"
It must have taken a supreme act if courage for Bradley Manning to finally release his information to the only people that seemed to care
Locklear said that the U.S. military had begun to reach out to other militaries to deal with the threat of global warming.
The Discrediting of U.S. Military Power
Jobs for Brits! Jobs for Japanese! US tax dollars to create military jobs in Belgium!
Russia warns bloodthirsty western alliance against attacking Syria and Iran. Stakes could not be higher.
Championing a vast military buildup, he argued that, to secure this “American Century,
“But I suspect the real purpose of this bill is to thwart internal, domestic movements that threaten the corporate state.” Chris Hedges..