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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Mitt Romney’

Mendacious Mitt

Mendacious Mitt

    Why Does Mitt Romney Like Firing People? Because He Made $20,000 On Every Laid-Off Worker  By Axel Tonconogy Mitt Romney would prefer for you to recall just one number regarding his record at Bain Capital. That would be 100,000 — the number of jobs that the Republican candidate  claims he created during 15 years at the private equity firm. But now there is a more interesting, plausible and relevant number: $20,000. That’s how much money Romney is estimated to have made ... Full Story

Fast and Furious, Post Opinion

Fast and Furious, Post Opinion

          Why ‘Fast and Furious’ is a political loser   Posted by Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake The fight over Operation “Fast and Furious” recommences this week, as Congress returns to Washington today with a contempt vote on Attorney General Eric Holder looming. Darrell Issa (R-CA) before a hearing on "Fast & Furious: Management Failures at the Department of Justice" on Capitol Hill in Washington, in this February 2, 2012, file photo. REUTERS/Kevin ... Full Story

More Romney lies

More Romney lies

        Mitt Romney’s claim of credit for the auto industry turnaround Posted by Glenn Kessler What should we do when a politician keeps repeating a Pinocchio-laden claim — or even makes its worse? We have examined previously the former Massachusetts governor’s claim that he set the course for the managed bankruptcy of the auto industry—and also have examined critically some of President Obama’s claims on the bailout. But clearly it’s time for a refresher ... Full Story

Romney, computers and pornography

Romney, computers and pornography

        Opinion by David Pakman     During Mitt Romney’s campaign for the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination, he made an interesting comment about pornography. The comment came in Ottumwa, Iowa at the Hotel Ottumwa, where Romney said “I want to make sure every new computer sold in this country after I’m President has installed on it a filter to block all pornography.” This comment is fascinating for a number of reasons, and requires a multi-level ... Full Story

Romney, a man of falsehoods

Romney, a man of falsehoods

      OPINIONS   Mitt Romney, a man of falsehoods  By Richard Cohen, Published: April 16 Among the attributes I most envy in a public man (or woman) is the ability to lie. If that ability is coupled with no sense of humor, you have the sort of man who can be a successful football coach, a CEO or, when you come right down to it, a presidential candidate. Such a man is Mitt Romney. Time and time again, Romney has been called a liar during this campaign. (The various ... Full Story

Quote of the Day

President Obama's chief strategist David Axelrod speaking about Mitt Romney's failure to condemn conservative talk radio show host Rush Limbaugh: "If you don't have the strength to stand up to the most strident voices in your party, how will you stand up to Ahmadinejad?"

Norquist: Romney Will Do As Told

By David Frum, The Daily Beast 14 February 12 Is Mitt Romney so weak he won't be able to stand up to Congress? The most quoted speech at CPAC this year was Mitt Romney's, but my vote for the most significant goes to Grover Norquist's. In his charmingly blunt way, Norquist articulated out loud a case for Mitt Romney that you hear only whispered by other major conservative leaders. They have reconciled themselves to a Romney candidacy because they see Romney as essentially a weak and passive ... Full Story

Pakman on the “State of the Union”

Pakman on the “State of the Union”

President Obama’s State of the Union address was one of the best in recent history, not judging by the number of applauses and ovations, but by the content. Sometimes it’s the lack of applause from parts of the audience that are most telling. The President mentioned the lack of troops in Iraq for the first time in years, and referred to a system where “everyone plays by the same rules,” a clear reference to corporate misbehavior, income inequality, and other issues in the spotlight due ... Full Story

Is Romney stupid or just a liar?

Is Romney stupid or just a liar?

The following article from Politifact is a very good indicator why we do not want Romney as Commander-in-Chief. He either has not a clue about the military or he is willing to lie about it. Either scenero is disqualifying.   Mitt Romney says U.S. Navy is smallest since 1917, Air Force is smallest since 1947   During the Jan. 16, 2012, Republican presidential debate in Myrtle Beach, S.C., former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney took aim at President Barack Obama’s support for the U.S. ... Full Story

Who Would Jesus Vote For?

Who Would Jesus Vote For?

      Should Christians Ask: Who Would Jesus Vote For? By Doug Bandow Evangelical churches long have been called the Republican Party at prayer. The observation might be close to true in Iowa. And that should make American Christians nervous about their future in politics. The relationship of religion and politics has been fraught with controversy since America's founding. In Europe a brutal mixture of church and state harmed both institutions: faith was perverted by power, ... Full Story

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